Safest Way To Divide A Tank?

The tank in our pic is 8" wide but we have done the same thing with one of our spawning tanks that we've divided into 2 and that one is 15" wide. Not sure it would've been big enough for the full tank width and height but was enough for this as we didn't need the height.

This is another one we did which is 11" wide.

nice i think ill go down and have a look at what size binders and such i can find, thanks for the help.
if your tank is very wide or tall you could slide more report binders along the edges and cut the excess, if you cant find binders big enough you can take the craft mesh and using very small zip ties, every 5 holes or so zip sheets togeother to make very long/tall dividers. then obviously snip off the tales of the zip ties.
Does anyone have a picture of duskys tank? It souds very cool.
Dazzzzzzzzz i'm gonna slap you sooooooo hard one day !!!!!!! :lol: :lol: And it wasn't silicone i was stuck across table with tonight :blush: :p ;)

Anyway the pic of pink tank,,flash sort of takes away the pinkness though :( and pic of girls divided tank. Not started on the huuuuge tank yet,,,keep picking up the silicon,,,,looking at it ,.....then remembereing the dreadful state I got into when doing the girls tank :rofl: :rofl:



Oh what were you stuck across the table with tonight Dusky.... pray tell :p :p
anyone know where to buy that craft mesh or whatever it is online or any retailers who sell it in the uk?
You might be able to get it on Ebay.
michales joannes...any arts and crafts type place...where they sell sewing type things

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