Must See Betta Filter


Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
JAD Submersible filter SP-602F
£9.99 :hyper:
This is a CRAZY buy! It is absaluly PERFECT XD You can reduce the flow to betta standards, it filters the water GREAT it is cheap, it even blows bubbles through the filter out put! (Which, blows a steady trickle of bubbles when the flow rate is on the low setting and a whole lot more on the other) It is also compact. It is GREAT! :good:
A must have buy for any Betta owner!

only pic i can find.

(god im sad) :lol:
is it a cell phone size? And speaking of Bettas, would people frown upon me getting one in a one gallon tank?
probably the size of a large cell phone yes. I wouldnt reccomend a 1 gallon. You can pick up a two gal tank for just a little extra. I dont think that filter would fit in a one gallon anyway. I have a four gal hexagon tank... It depends. If you need ANY info at all, do not hesitate in PM'ing me :) I can help you choose a cheap tank alternative :)
The Filter in the pic is bigger than the one i have. It is excellent! It provides good filteration and aeriation, whilst keeping a slow current :D
Personally i would prefer to go for a small hangon filter, they are better for filtration, and you can also reduce the flow rate.

I've got one for my 5gallon, its about 4" wide x 6" tall, and was only £8. Great little filter.
Personally i would prefer to go for a small hangon filter, they are better for filtration, and you can also reduce the flow rate.

I've got one for my 5gallon, its about 4" wide x 6" tall, and was only £8. Great little filter.

like this one ?

setting up my beta tank asap thinking that filter with Aqua One Heater Thermostat 25W in a 25L tank hopefully they will all fit, also thinking of a 11W Arc Pod light do i actually need one?

like this one [URL=""][/URL] ?

setting up my beta tank asap thinking that filter with Aqua One Heater Thermostat 25W in a 25L tank hopefully they will all fit, also thinking of a 11W Arc Pod light do i actually need one?


heres a pic of my tank, and the only pic i have showing the filter, my lighting was also cheap, £10 off ebay can't see much of it from the pic though.........

nice tank, do you use a heater or dose the light heat it up? as it gets quite cold here in the winter what heater would you recommend for a tank that size?
There were no fish in there at that time, but recently i have added a heater. Look for a heater that is 25W. I hardley ever have the heater on now, as its summer, and my room always gets the sun.

You could buy a reptile heating pad, some people on the forum use these for their smaller tanks, instead of normal heaters.
yeah i was guessing 25w would be about right i saw some heater pads but dont think they have any thermostat on them and the 25w is only a few quid more,

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