Brine Shrimp Growing


New Member
Jun 12, 2008
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Just got some adult brineshrimp im trying to keep alive but they seem to be dying alot, i have them in a bucket with a heater no light hardly and no airstone do they need light or air? as i put some air on for abit but it seemed to blow them about, also im using some red sea salt dose anyone know howmuch salt roughly per 10L as im using this rubbish hydrometer what changes readings everytime i use, had them maybe 3 days and id say 20% have died maybe i over fed.

Any help would be great, thanks.
When I use to keep them alive I used a air stone and used the same amount of salt in the ater that I would for my salt water tank. They seemed to do fine for a week with out food or a heater.
Use an airstone and have it bubbling away gently. If the shrimp get knocked around it will kill them.
Make the water up a few days before you add the shrimp. Sea salt needs 24 hours to fully dissolve into the water. Have the salt level the same as a marine tank SG about 1.024.
They don't need a heater, standard room temperature is fine.
They don't need a light unless you are trying to grow algae in there.
They do best when fed on marine algae (green water).
thanks i think the problem was lack of air + not leaving the salt and to much salt,

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