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  1. J

    Does Anyone Know Where To Get Internal Parasite Meds In The Uk?

    Sera nematol is available from the Last Trading post on ebay. I have bought aquatic supplies from them previously and have received orders promptly. I think it is also cheaper from there. Jackie
  2. J

    Stuborn Ich\white Spot

    when the course is completed run carbon for a day, do a large water change should then be ok to start new treatment if needed. Good luck Jackie
  3. J

    Stuborn Ich\white Spot

    i had the same problem a few months ago. Two courses of protozin did nothing, and i lost several fish. I had success with a course of British king ws3. No recurrence since . Good luck. Jackie
  4. J

    Best Online Retailer For Tropical Plants

    Aquarium Gardening, owner Dr. john Prescott is a marine biologist. He is very helpful and knowledgeable will answer any queries on any aspects of aquatic plant care
  5. J

    White Spot Treatment

    I had platy fry born during whitespot treatment, in my tank , they are fine and thriving , i used full strength meds and actually had to do two courses of meds to clear it . I also used melafix alongside the treatment. good luck.
  6. J

    Whitespot,finrot & Eating Problem

    I have just had the same problem with a whitespot outbreak, in six new fish i introduced to my tank . The fins can be affected and become very ragged. If the spots have left your severum , the cysts will be in the substrate, there they mature and eventually become free swimming and can...
  7. J

    Yet Another Problem......

    dont give up! I have just gone through the same problem. My tank became infested with whitespot following the addition of six glowlights. Two courses of protozin later and the glow lights were still covered also two of my existing fish stock ( it did kill the pest snails though). I did a...
  8. J

    Ph Advice.

    this happened on two occasions when i was cycling my tank. Iwas advised to do a large water change, worked fine, just top back up to 5ppm of ammonia following wc and your cycle will carry on as normal. my tap water has a low kh and therefore ph was less stable during cycling. Good luck.
  9. J

    I Need Advice !

    Thanks so much will do that tomorrow. That makes sense to continue after all spots disappear, if the parasites are lying in the gravel. I am surprised the protozin do not state this as the course is actually only 3 doses , two free days then final dose. Well i will keep my fingers crossed this...
  10. J

    I Need Advice !

    Thanks for advice , Idid not use carbon during treatment, when calculating vol of the tank i did include filter ,used the calculator on this forum but with hind sight i have not included the sump which holds another10 -15 gals. I will do a large wc. and gravel vac tomorrow. Do you think it...
  11. J

    Help Me Name My Cute Oscar

    Tosca the oscar. Jackie
  12. J

    I Need Advice !

    My tank completed a ten week fishless cycle three weeks ago. I decided to lightly stock initially as some of the fish i want need the tank to be more mature. I put in 3 male guppies, 3 female and one male platy, 6 zebra danios, A few days later i added 6 glowlights from a different Lfs...
  13. J

    Just Checked My Tank Water, Need Some Advice

    Hi, NO3 of 10 is fine You haven't posted an ammonia result Hope this helps,
  14. J

    First Pics Of My Tank

    Correct. Its she.
  15. J

    First Pics Of My Tank

    Right I have looked up the plant It is a hygrophilia Rosenervig as the plant reaches up to brighter light the upper leaves turn light pink, close to you can see white veins in the leaves. I bought it from Maidenhead aquatics . It grows really fast i have cut it 3 times already i put three...
  16. J

    The Never Ending Cycle

    Are you out there Waterdrop?
  17. J

    Planted Rio 125 - New Filter Pix

    looks wonderful, superb set up. Given me ideas to improve mine, Jackie
  18. J

    First Pics Of My Tank

    Thanks, I would like a small shoal of danios zebra or celestial pearl, Pristella tetras , Angels and 4corys ,maybe a bristle nose plec. Tank is 83 imp gals, sump holds another 15. 48ins x 20x x 24. still waiting for cycle to end, ammonia is processing in 8hrs. but nitrites will not process...
  19. J

    First Pics Of My Tank

    Thanks, the hygrophilia (think thats what it is called) needs a lot of pruning, grows like a weed. Jackie
  20. J

    First Pics Of My Tank

    Thanks miss wiglgle, I haven't added any ferts yet, in case it messed up the cycling.
  21. J

    First Pics Of My Tank

    havent been able to get pictures downloaded , hope this has worked, this time. my tank is still cycling( fishless), just waiting and waiting and waiting!!!
  22. J

    The Never Ending Cycle

    Thanks for helping Waterdrop. PH has been starting at 8, then dropping over approx. 8-10 days to 7. At this point i have been doing about 50% waterchange, which raises PH to approx 8 again. I added bicarbonate of soda 4teaspoons, on one occasion as it was inconvenient to do a water change. PH...
  23. J

    The Never Ending Cycle

    I have had a think about what fish to start with, glad of any advice. I thought to put in 4 small angels, 6 zebra danios , 3 corys OR 1 bristle nose plec. any other stocking ideas. Will this maintain the cycle initially,then iwill add to full stocking level slowly. tank is 48insx 20insx...
  24. J

    The Never Ending Cycle

    I think you are right. I would like to add some angels eventually and corys. maybe Miss Wiggle will see post and give her advice. Thanks for advice much appreciated, Jackie
  25. J

    The Never Ending Cycle

    I think I will carry on until the weekend and if all stays the same iwill do a large water change and get about 6 danios. Do you think this is enough fish to start to maintain the cycle? then stock weekly.Thanks for the advice.
  26. J

    The Never Ending Cycle

    I am in the NINTH week of a fishless cycle and it is driving me CRAZY!! ammonia has been processing in 8hrs for 5 weeks. Nitrates are up to 80+ plants are sreading like weeds, they have been pruned twice already. The nitrites just will not process in 12hrs. they are taking approx 17hrs. I...
  27. J

    Gravel Cleaning Without Siphoning Water Out

    I bought a lee's ultimate gravel cleaner rather than a python, as it is almost identical in operation but only £34.99 for the 50ft length. once you have used it a couple of times it is quick and easy. No buckets or wet carpets. i bought a hosepipe attatchment from B&Q,so i can attatch it to my...
  28. J

    Gravel Cleaning Without Siphoning Water Out

    My tank is 24ins deep and I have tried other gravel vacs, each one has stopped working after a short time due to the battery compartment getting submerged during cleaning. I recently bought a eheim gravel vac, it can be completely submerged as battery compartment is waterproof, takes 4...
  29. J

    Homebase Ammonia Didn't Work For My Fishless Cycle

    I am doing a fishless cycle (day 46 !!!) using homebase ammonia, actually started on my second bottle yesterday. It bubbles slightly when shaken vigorously, but it is only air bubbles which disappear instantly. My cycle is going ok just waiting Patiently !! for nitrites to process in 12hrs...
  30. J

    Domino Damsel Has Pushed It To Far

    I had the same problem with a damsel, he actually killed the other damsel, had them from same tank same time they were fine at first !!! I caught the culprit using a trap-eze . Baited the trap, he was caught within an hour. no moving any rock. Worked a treat! Good luck Jackie
  31. J

    Cheap Substrate For A Four Footer

    Hi , I set up my 85gal tank 3weeks ago , i used jbl aquabasis plus as a substrate, it is reasonably priced at approx £13.99 for 5L bag i used 2 bags (depth 2cms)in 48x20x24 ins tank . You have to cover with gravel, i used black roman gravel, it still worked out a lot cheaper than many others...
  32. J

    Fishless Cycle

    Thanks miss wiggle . Once a day it is then. jackie
  33. J

    Fishless Cycle

    25/05/08 update; all seems ok. ammonia is being reduced from 4 to 0 in under 12 hrs. nitrites 5ppm nitrates 10ppm. ph now 7.4 Do i add more ammonia every 12 hrs as long as test shows 0ppm or do i just raise it once a day ? will bacteria die off within 12hrs?
  34. J

    Can Fertilisers Be Used In A Cycling Tank?

    thank you Liam . I will go ahead and add them. Jackie
  35. J

    Can Fertilisers Be Used In A Cycling Tank?

    my planted tank is undergoing a fishless cycle at the moment. it has been set up since 3rd may. Apart from a lowering of ph from 7.8 to 6.8 ,which necessitated a large water change today ,the cycle seems to be progressing ok. substrate is jbl aquabasics plus covered by fine roman gravel...
  36. J

    Fishless Cycle

    water change done. added ammonia back to 4ppm. tested water ph 8 (thats same as my tap ) ammonia 3-4ppm nitrites 5. hopefully back on course. thanks for everyones help. jackie
  37. J

    Fishless Cycle
