Stuborn Ich\white Spot


Jul 26, 2007
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I am having real trouble shifting ich in my 300L.

I am now on my second round of protozin spoted one of my rams last week rubbing on a rock so got some protozin to treat it so far i have lost 2 clowns loaches and 1 gbr :(

i have one blue ram smothered in white spot and 1 with a few on its fins and tonight i noticed a few on the tail of a black widow tetra

temp is up at 29ºc
Running 2 6" air stones 24/7
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
Nitrate 20-30 whats normal
mature filter

done 2 80-90L water changes with a full clean and vac each time. Correct dosage of protozin on days 1,2,3 and 6 and now on day 3 of the second round

bit of a loss of what too do tbh only just building up stock again due to a duff heater (lost 90% of my mature fish) its heart breaking and very costlly to say the least

first time i have ever had diesease in 2 years of keeping................

any advice welcome.

Thanks in advance
i had the same problem a few months ago. Two courses of protozin did nothing, and i lost several fish. I had success with a course of British king ws3. No recurrence since . Good luck.
thanks for the info got 3 days to go so see if it clear then i will try something else (will give it a few days inbetween tho)

thanks for the info

Nearly forgot theres no carbon it the filter either
when the course is completed run carbon for a day, do a large water change should then be ok to start new treatment if needed. Good luck

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