Planted Rio 125 - New Filter Pix

Best shot that I have managed to get of the male Apsito:


And this is a shot of one of his two females:


This is a planting combo that I hope will work as they grow and merge together.
A red nymphaea in the foreground, and a green/pink species of Nuphar behind:


And this is a photo of my largest Nymphaea bulb, with one month's worth of growth:

A couple of new photos:

Oh my God..!! Look how much growth the Spatterdock has put on inside of three days.
I am worried that I might have planted a tank buster... :crazy:


General shots of the tank. I am quite pleased, but not completely happy with the Vallisneria.
Its growing like wildfire and has now reached the furthest end of the aquarium, but I think it looks a little bit scruffy, so I am thinking of replacing it with something more attractive and bushy.

My two Zebra Nerite snails.....


One of my Spixi snails getting into an algae wafer....


This little fella just wants to have a look at whats going on...

looks bloody brilliant!! :good: that bogwood looks really natural..which is always a good thing. I also love the apistos! Well done :hyper:
that bogwood looks really natural..

Its actually graperoot, and apart from its attractive appearance, when its submerged it grows a coating of brown algae that fish go mental for. Maybe it tastes like a nice Chianti..... :blink:
that bogwood looks really natural..

Its actually graperoot, and apart from its attractive appearance, when its submerged it grows a coating of brown algae that fish go mental for. Maybe it tastes like a nice Chianti..... :blink:

Haha, never know, the high temp may cause submersed fermentation ;) Drunk fish. Looking good, i wish my snails were there on perpose.
I got a bit restless with the original set up and the tank has been through a few changes recently.

Yesterday, I finally decided that I am pretty happy with the new arrangement and I have taken a few snaps which I will post later.

The fish list is now:
1x large Discus
2x L260 Queen Arabesque Plec
2X L134 Leopard Frog Plec
7x Corydoras Panda
20x Cardinal & Black Neon Tetra
8x Nerite Snails

Yes, the Apisto. have now been rehoused, and replaced with the Discus. I am keeping a close eye on him to see how he settles in, but if he is unhappy, he will have to be moved out too.
I am actually quite disappointed with these photos, the aquarium definately looks much better with the naked eye, and looks quite well planted, but the camera makes it look quite sparse...


Some of my Jumbo Cardinals

And this fella is Elvis... :rolleyes:
By the way, I am open to offers on the Discus if anyone is interested in him....??
what are you using in the background, is that rocks or wood or something fake?

it looks nice and gives the aquarium a realistic effect, and better than a poster-background.
The background is actually made of sponge, and is chisled into rock-like shapes. It does look pretty natural, and fish such as Pleco really love attaching themselves to teh overhangs and crevases.

Another benefit is that it also acts as a large Bio filter.

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