Fishless Cycle

stop using RO, just do a massive water change with dechlorinated tap water, this will have a better KH hopefully and the pH will stop falling.

If it continues to fall when you're just using tap water then you may consider baking soda or something like that but just see what you're normal tap water does by itself first.

Thanks minxy fish and miss wiggle for quick response . doing v. large water change now
water change done. added ammonia back to 4ppm. tested water ph 8 (thats same as my tap ) ammonia 3-4ppm nitrites 5. hopefully back on course.
thanks for everyones help.
Good news Jackie,

Just keep an eye on that ph, test it daily like you do for the ammonia and Nitrites, if you notice a large drop again, just do another water change, hopefully it wont happen again and your cycle will go smoothly and soon you will be ready for fishes :good:
Hi, This is my first post,

I started a fishless cycle on my aquarium two weeks ago. I think it is progressing ok. Ammonia is being reduced from 4ppm to 0ppm within 12 hrs of adding ammonia, nitrites are 5+, Nitrates 5-10ppm (using API master test kit ). My tank is planted with java moss, anubias, vallis, java fern, aponogeton, hygrophylia, cabomba, all seem to be growing. substrate is jbl aqua basics plus, covered by black roman fine gravel. Should i expect to be seeing a higher nitrate reading? as it seems to be staying between 5-10ppm. temp. 25.c

Tank is 48insx 20d x 24h with weir containing filtersponges and bio balls. water flows into sump in cabinet beneath tank then over filter containing more bio balls , then through uv. (should this be on when tank is cycling?} It is then returned to the main tank.

Lighting is T5 54watt x3 (2 daylight 1 grolux }

Is there anything else i should be doing? Any advice would be appreciated.

update; all seems ok. ammonia is being reduced from 4 to 0 in under 12 hrs. nitrites 5ppm nitrates 10ppm. ph now 7.4 Do i add more ammonia every 12 hrs as long as test shows 0ppm or do i just raise it once a day ? will bacteria die off within 12hrs?
just once daily is enough, bacteria won't die off in 12 hrs.

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