First Pics Of My Tank


New Member
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
South Wales
havent been able to get pictures downloaded , hope this has worked, this time. my tank is still cycling( fishless), just waiting and waiting and waiting!!!




lovely tank, what fish yoiu thinking of putting in?

Thanks, I would like a small shoal of danios zebra or celestial pearl, Pristella tetras , Angels and 4corys ,maybe a bristle nose plec.
Tank is 83 imp gals, sump holds another 15. 48ins x 20x x 24. still waiting for cycle to end, ammonia is processing in 8hrs. but nitrites will not process in the recommended 12hrs. taking 16-17hrs. very frustrating!!
Looks great, be interested to know what substrate u have, is it mixed?

Why are waiting so long to put the fish in?
wow.. looks good :) i like the plant in the background u have...what is it??

Right I have looked up the plant It is a hygrophilia Rosenervig as the plant reaches up to brighter light the upper leaves turn light pink, close to you can see white veins in the leaves. I bought it from Maidenhead aquatics . It grows really fast i have cut it 3 times already i put three stems together weight them and push them into the gravel , within a day or two you can see them geting taller.

Looks great, be interested to know what substrate u have, is it mixed?

Why are waiting so long to put the fish in?

I am waiting for the tank to finally cycle, it is taking a long time to process nitrite in 12 hrs. nearly there but not quite, very frustrating!!!
The substrate i used was JBL aqua basics plus, covered by black roman gravel. Haven't used any ferts yet.
Looks amazing, hope my tank looks as good as that :D

two suggestions, mostly based on opinion :D

i) Black Background
ii) Real Wood

Still looks really stunning

Thanks very much. A black background would be nice, unfortunately cannot get to back of the tank, it is on a large wooden cabinet ,all electrics,filtration etc. is in cabinet beneath the tank. but maybe in the future. I agree natural wood is better, i didn't use it as my Kh is very low in the water supply and water is soft so ph can drop. and wood could drop ph too low, dont know if this is definately correct. I am growing java moss on the artificial stump, so hopefully it will look better.
Thanks Jackie
Looks amazing, hope my tank looks as good as that :D

two suggestions, mostly based on opinion :D

i) Black Background
ii) Real Wood

Still looks really stunning

Thanks very much. A black background would be nice, unfortunately cannot get to back of the tank, it is on a large wooden cabinet ,all electrics,filtration etc. is in cabinet beneath the tank. but maybe in the future. I agree natural wood is better, i didn't use it as my Kh is very low in the water supply and water is soft so ph can drop. and wood could drop ph too low, dont know if this is definately correct. I am growing java moss on the artificial stump, so hopefully it will look better.
Thanks Jackie

I think there are some woods that dont lower KH etc, but Id have to look into that :D

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