Just Checked My Tank Water, Need Some Advice


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2008
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i have had cloudy water for the last 2 days and found out it was due to a stone which i put in the tank, so i removed the stone and the water is lovely and clear now, in the last 2 days i have done a 50% water change and a 75% water change, the perameters are:

no3 10
no2 0
gh 16
kh 6
ph 7.6

i can see theres a little ammonia in there but the gh is to high, what is the best way to lower this, i only have a u/g filter, i was gonna do another water change but that isnt changing the gh but it would reduce my no3.

what can i do?

many thanks
i have had cloudy water for the last 2 days and found out it was due to a stone which i put in the tank, so i removed the stone and the water is lovely and clear now, in the last 2 days i have done a 50% water change and a 75% water change, the perameters are:

no3 10
no2 0
gh 16
kh 6
ph 7.6

i can see theres a little ammonia in there but the gh is to high, what is the best way to lower this, i only have a u/g filter, i was gonna do another water change but that isnt changing the gh but it would reduce my no3.

what can i do?

many thanks

Hi, NO3 of 10 is fine You haven't posted an ammonia result Hope this helps,
Nitrate is fine if the fish goes through the rise in the tank. (just be careful how you add fish to the tank and you will be fine)
But if you could get it to 0 that could be great.

So its at 10 before or just after your water change?
In a basic freshwater system, it's fine to have nitrates. Just try to keep them below 40ppm.

Please list the readings like this:

Makes it easier!! :)

Undergravel filters are really prehistoric :crazy: It's much easier to clean and maintain a simple hang on back filter. I'd hate having to upset the whole tank to clean out under the filter in the bottom of the tank :crazy:

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