Search results

  1. Frollickyfish

    Endlers And Cherry Shrimps Fish Tanks Up For Grabs

    If You have time to pop over to Hinckley how much would 20 shrimp and 10 endlers be? RachelX
  2. Frollickyfish

    Apple Snails Pinks And Purple

    Recieved mine safe and sound, thanks Kenny!
  3. Frollickyfish

    Apple Snails Pinks And Purple

    Hi Kenny I posted you a £7 postal order today but forgot to put my name and address in with it! Ill Pm you! Thanks- Rachel
  4. Frollickyfish

    Endlers And Cherry Shrimps Fish Tanks Up For Grabs

    Hi Paul What have you got left? RachelX
  5. Frollickyfish

    For Sale: Guppies Guppies Guppies

    Hi I might be interested if you arnt too far from me! Where abouts in Leicestershire are you? Thanks- Rachel
  6. Frollickyfish


    Other chemicals may also be causing similar problems too. Its been suggested that the bleach used to whiten disposable nappies can cause cancer and infertility especially in boys so if we are using such chemicals in cleaning products God knows what its doing to the environment as it goes back...
  7. Frollickyfish

    Anyone Want To Give A Loving Home

    Been trying so hard to ignore this thread but its no good! Pmed you Daz! :rolleyes:
  8. Frollickyfish

    Update On Sushi . . . Could Use More Advice

    Hi If I were you Id move or re post this in the Emergencies section as you will probably get answered quicker and with the best info. :good:
  9. Frollickyfish

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Nice to see you back! How are you? :good:
  10. Frollickyfish

    Eggy Female It Dangerous?

    Dont agree with breeding an culling but Nettys suggestion is a good one. If she cant release the eggs herself then a bath in Epsom salts may help.
  11. Frollickyfish


    So sorry to hear that, Ive just lost nearly all my females so I know how you feel. :sad:
  12. Frollickyfish

    Eggy Female It Dangerous?

    Yes I lost a female a few weeks ago who was completely egg bound. :sad:
  13. Frollickyfish


    that was my first thought but as we don't know for sure I think we should give her a chance. :good:
  14. Frollickyfish

    Constipation? Indigestion? Please Help!

    You can buy cheep plastic bigger tanks like these: and these are the heat pads: Hope that helps!
  15. Frollickyfish

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    ROFL just coz I act blonde from time to time! :lol:
  16. Frollickyfish

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Come on Tibby, its not like you to be shy Lol!!!
  17. Frollickyfish

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Thats awful news about Deefus she was so lovely and carried on regardless. Ive had a really bad time lately and on hearing that she has died it has put things in perspective and made me realise how lucky I am. The photos I put on of me was when I was full of cold and looking not so good so...
  18. Frollickyfish

    New Betta Fish! 75 Gallon Tank!

    Beautiful looking tank and great photos. :good:
  19. Frollickyfish

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Yeah he does you lucky thing! :drool:
  20. Frollickyfish

    Just A Few ?'s

    Think the fairy shrimp is more for the babies than conditioning the adults. :good:
  21. Frollickyfish

    Re My Girls Dying.

    Yes and everything is fine, but Ive done a big water change and hoovered the gravel anyhow. The first girl who died very suddenly after having her for 2 weeks was then half eaten by the others so maybe they caught something from her that has taken another 2 weeks to come out. I also added some...
  22. Frollickyfish

    Re My Girls Dying.

    thought Id found the answer then! My Hm is a bit brighter today and she has eaten a little baby pellet food so thats good but one of her pop eyes is now filling up with bright red blood which looks awful. The other slightly poorly VTs are now taking baby pellet food too but one of them is...
  23. Frollickyfish

    Re My Girls Dying.

    Ok I have just gone to take a snail out of their tank and noticed the water was warmer than normal. I popped a thermometer in and I think the thermostat on the heater is not working properly as the water temp is 28 (82). Could this explain why they have been so ill and dying?
  24. Frollickyfish

    Steralizing Question

    Lol! I could only count one missing! :lol: Thanks for the advice. :good:
  25. Frollickyfish

    Steralizing Question

    Interpet Anti internal bacteria in the main tank and Ive used a combination of Myaxin and epsom salts on the ones I took out o0f the main tank to treat their various problems. I did have a new girl that after 2 weeks suddenly die without symptoms and now a couple of weeks later this despite...
  26. Frollickyfish

    Steralizing Question

    Looks like an internal bacteria thing thats going on to cause Dropsy. The rate they are going down with it despite treating the tank I wouldnt risk any new fish in there until its steralised.
  27. Frollickyfish

    Steralizing Question

    Ive had a really bad couple of days with some of my girls dying and the rest looking like they are going the same way. :-( Anyway Im going to have to steralize their 70L tank and was wondering if I should throw the filter media away too incase or just steralize the rest of the tank and leave...
  28. Frollickyfish

    Help- My Female Bettas Are Dying.

    Thanks, I will. Apart from her huge tummy she looked perfect thats why I wondered if it was something else. My copper girl is in a seperate tank now but Ive also treated the big tank to help stop it from spreading. Her tummy is not that big but she looks pineconed all over, her fins are clamped...
  29. Frollickyfish

    Help- My Female Bettas Are Dying.

    Well my female Ct has just died :sad: I know it sounds awful but I cut her open to see what the swelling is and it was an anormous sack of eggs. If she was egg bound what could I have done for her? Im sure the others that died and my other poorly girl is down to internal bacteria though and the...
  30. Frollickyfish

    Help- My Female Bettas Are Dying.

    Thanks for the advice, I shall try that now.
  31. Frollickyfish

    Help- My Female Bettas Are Dying.

    No it was just luke warm. Should I do a water change and then dose again? Dis the first dose last night but it says not to do again till the 4th day
  32. Frollickyfish

    Help- My Female Bettas Are Dying.

    70 litre 8 female Bettas, 1 albino cory, snails! Water stats are all spot on. No flicking or rubbing Cant see any excess mucas The fish poo is normal in the healthy ones but I cant get the sick ones to poo so cant tell. No scales sticking out but one of them is exteremely bloated and neither...
  33. Frollickyfish

    Help- My Female Bettas Are Dying.

    A couple of weeks ago I found one of my females dead and half eaten and yet she had shown no signs of illness. Yesterday I noticed one of my others acting rather scared and hiding so I seperated her and she has gone from bad to worse, clamped fins, looking pale and trying to hide where ever she...
  34. Frollickyfish

    Quick Where To Buy Question

    I think a couple of my females have dropsy and they are looking worse by the minute despite treting with anti internal bacteria meds. Was thinking of trying epsom salts but where do I buy it from?
  35. Frollickyfish

    Sterilizing Tank And Equipment

    I always buy baby sterilizing fluid and let it soak over night. You then have to rinse it very very well and then let it soak again with water and loads of dechlorinator.Hope that helps.
  36. Frollickyfish

    Male Betta Brutalized

    You should never keep males with females. Females are best kept in groups of at least 5 depending on the size of the tank as it spreads the aggression out and they are less likely to fight each other.
  37. Frollickyfish

    Forest Died

    So sorry he died. :sad:
  38. Frollickyfish

    At Last! I Have Another Betta!

    Amazing photos! Wish my camera was that good and that I was better at taking photos!
  39. Frollickyfish

    Is This A Cambodia Betta

    Siamese fighters or fighter fish are another name for Bettas so If shes a cambodian Fighter and looks like that picture then yes she is a Cambodian Betta! :good:
  40. Frollickyfish

    Is This A Cambodia Betta

    What you have described sounds like a Cambodian Betta, she may just be very young or just has stunted growth like me lol! :lol: Can you post a photo?