Re My Girls Dying.


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2008
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Ok I have just gone to take a snail out of their tank and noticed the water was warmer than normal. I popped a thermometer in and I think the thermostat on the heater is not working properly as the water temp is 28 (82). Could this explain why they have been so ill and dying?
28c shouldn't affect them like that Rachel. We condition ours at 30c and they are fine.

How are the other girls today?
thought Id found the answer then!

My Hm is a bit brighter today and she has eaten a little baby pellet food so thats good but one of her pop eyes is now filling up with bright red blood which looks awful. The other slightly poorly VTs are now taking baby pellet food too but one of them is looking really bad but has no outward sign at all as in she has no energy and keeps falling onto her side.
Have you tested the water with a liquid test kit?
Yes and everything is fine, but Ive done a big water change and hoovered the gravel anyhow. The first girl who died very suddenly after having her for 2 weeks was then half eaten by the others so maybe they caught something from her that has taken another 2 weeks to come out. I also added some snails I got from freecycle so maybe they were carrying something.
the higher temp could be causing whatever illness is there to speed up. but I wouldnt try and lower it and stress the girls more. what kind of meds are you using?

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