Search results

  1. R

    New Born Snail

    That one in the picture looks a lot like a Physid, a bladder snail. It might be a pond snail too (Lymnaeidae) if it has triangular tentacles instead of thin ones, but the shell coloring hints towards a Physid. :) They are fast movers and sort of cute. Might munch some plants, but usually will...
  2. R

    Snails Grannies Meeting

    So cute! I love to watch an apple snail funneling food from the surface, it's looks so silly. :) Here's one of my babies being greedy from a long time ago.
  3. R

    Giant Ramshorn + Spixi Apple Snail =

    Marisa and Spixi can cross, but the offspring is usually sickly and looks like a mix of those two with stripes and all. So I don't think the blue one could be from Marisa+Spixi cross. Are you sure it's a blue apple snail and not a small bluish snail of some other species? Any pictures?
  4. R

    Baby Snail Identification

    The first one is a freshwater limpet, Acroloxus lacustris. The second one looks like "mini mystery snail", it isn't related to mystery snails (apple snails) and it doesn't seem to be really interested in eating live plants and doesn't reproduce much and also stays small, so it's an interesting...
  5. R

    Which Type Of Shrimp?

    Amanos seem to be the best algae eaters, they also are large, so fish propably wont bother them. And they will propably munch some of the hair algae and that "moss on the rocks". They won't do much to the brown one (zebra nerite snails, Neritina natalensis, might be able to help with those).
  6. R

    Triops Breeding

    Triops are a bit tricky to get through their first stages, but after that they are quite easy to keep. The biggest danger for larger Triops is when they are molting, if they can't get rid of the old skin, they might die (and it is no good to try to help them, I tried once, didn't do any good, it...
  7. R

    Snail Id

    The snail in the first picture doesn't have any orange dots on its skin and the suture of the whorls of the shells are a bit indented and they whorls look a bit round (although the last two things might just be an optical illusion created by the corroded shell), so... if it's also eating live...
  8. R

    Apple Snail with attitude

    The other species is Pomacea canaliculata (there's also other big ones which eat live plants too), they are the large ones that love eating live plants. You can tell these two apart rather easily if you compare them. The one that don't eat live plants is Pomacea bridgesii. -...
  9. R

    Help- apple snails eggs

    You can find some ways to do it from here: Rainbow Snails - Hatching a clutch. You can also find lots of information searching the website, the best site available. I myself use the soapdish method mentioned in the first link. Good luck with the clutches :) And remember, there...
  10. R

    Arthropod/invertebrate tank

    I actually have only 1 fish at the moment, MG CT betta male, Crybaby, then I have hundreds of apple snails with rainbow of colours, 15 other snail species, over 100 shrimps (Crystal Red, White Pearl and couple other species) and two clam species. They really do look awesome in planted tank, no...
  11. R

    What is this snail?

    I would say its Lymnaea peregra, common pond snail, and not Lymnaea stagnalis (stagnalis is much larger and has more pointed spire). I let them live in my heavily planted tank and they don't eat plants, just algae, but I am a weirdo and like all the snails. They can overrun the tank quite easily...
  12. R

    Help with choosing snails

    There are different species of apple snails. Pomacea bridgesii doesn't eat plants, Pomacea canaliculata eats. You can find more information of them from the pinned topic :)
  13. R

    Mystery Snail?

    Definitely a Pomacea bridgesii :) It´s hard to tell the colour since it has lots of algae and dent's and holesm but the shell looks light and it has dark foot, maybe a blue? All the Pomacea species have the siphon on the same side (uhm, if you look at the snails face, it is on the right side...
  14. R

    Help with choosing snails

    Well, if you want a pretty snail which doesn't eat plants, you want to get an apple snail, Pomacea bridgesii. It grows to about 2 inches and they mostly stay underwater, only females climb above water line to lay eggs, they do breathe air, but they have a siphon which they stick to the water...
  15. R

    Apple Snails

    Thank you :) I think I could, but you will be able to get this kind of apple snails from UK too, faster and cheaper, I bet. And here's a list of sellers, one more from UK there too:
  16. R

    Apple Snails

    :D I peek once in a while, but looks like life is running me around too much to concentrate on many things at the same time and I've been neglecting TFF :/ You know, apple snails are interesting little fellas. The males can actually change sex in some circumstances and be fertile after that.
  17. R

    Apple Snails

    Actually Wolf, they can't be found. They are colour variations bred from wild ones just like Crystal Red and Red Cherry shrimps are from their wild form. Or bettas. There's alot of colour forms and some of them are really new, red-white for example. I have 11 different colours and I am trying...
  18. R

    can't ID my apple snails

    I would say canaliculata too.
  19. R

    Brilliant Algae eating snail

    Could they be zebra nerites, Neritina natalensis? The size matches (and the claim that they won't grow bigger than that, but we all know how reliable fish stores might be when they talk about sizes...) and they are absolutely the best algae eating snails I've ever seen. They really blast the...
  20. R

    Members Gallery Pics

    Thank you. I was sort of freaked out because of that Roseanne comparison (well, yes, I do look a bit like her), this is so much better :lol: This thread is so fun, the best one for ages :thumbs:
  21. R

    My new babies

    Pinks: Purples: Eating:
  22. R

    Members Gallery Pics

    :lol: Great lookalikes :D
  23. R

    ever gotten bit/sucked on/licked by a snail? really does have all the answers and lots of interesting pictures. I'm glad I was able to help. It's good to know your pets :)
  24. R

    Rogues Gallery

    Hi people, I know, I should talk more, I haven't even been on chat lately. I promise, I will change :D Here's a really blurry pic of me taken two days ago. Look, I am almost smiling :D P.S. My article about snails got just published in a finnish aquarium magazine called Akvaristi :)
  25. sunflower2.jpg


  26. R

    ever gotten bit/sucked on/licked by a snail?

    They do have this radula, sort of a plate with teeth. I suppose you have a Pomacea canaliculata, channeled apple snail, since it ate your plants and they tend to rasp hands with more force than regular apple snails. It won't be able to break your skin unless the snail is really big and you have...
  27. R

    Snail Species

    Nice snails :) Apple snails are so fascinating and beautiful creatures. As are the Neritina natalensis snails, there's not much information about their breeding, but if you use google, I'm sure you will find some talk about it.
  28. R

    Small snail appeared out of nowhere

    I hope this helps you with identifying and finding information about your snail:
  29. R

    Snail Species

    I hope this would be pinned so people can check this first if they are wondering about the species of their snails. I thought it would be nice to have a thread with pictures, sizes and some basic stuff about different species. There are other species too, but these ones are the most common...
  30. R

    My new babies

    Thanks :) They are almost 2 cm now. Big babies, big appetite :D
  31. R

    My new babies

    They are now 1 month and they keep on growing and eating like piglets :D "Stay away, this is my food! I will hit you with the stick if you come closer!" "Mommy, let me go, this is embarrassing!"
  32. R

    How fast will Apple Snails Grow?

    My Pomacea bridgesii babies sizes with links to pictures: 0 weeks: 0.08 inches 1 week: 0.2 inches 2 weeks: 0.3 inches 3 weeks: 0.5 inches 4 weeks: 0.75 inches They are living alone in their tanks, no fish or adult snails there. I've been giving them lots of food, New Life Spectrum granules...
  33. R

    My new babies

    Thanks, I really love photographing them :)
  34. R

    What type of snail is this?

    That snail doesn't look like any Lymnaea (also called pond snails) I've seen, it has thin tentacles, Lymnaeidae have flat and triangular, like ears. The shell shape is also wrong and it looks like it has a trapdoor (operculum, like apple snails have). It isn't a Physid (also called pond, bladder...
  35. R

    apple snail eggs

    Females can store sperm like livebearers, but a year would be too long for the sperm to survive. The eggs will most likely be duds. They do lay eggs even if they aren't fertilized, like chickens. So you were right with your theory :)
  36. R

    malaysian trumpet snails

    I'm sorry, but I think you have misunderstood something said to you. :/ Your snail was most likely Pomacea canaliculata, as I said and couple of other people in Pomacea canaliculata, brown and yellow versions _will_ eat your plants. Pomacea bridgesii, brown, black, yellow...
  37. R

    My new babies

    Dark striped purple and blue: Blue giving a kiss: Eating bloodworms:
  38. R

    apple snail feeding ...........HELP

    They can survive out of the water for days, I bet easily for a week, two weeks might be already too long and they would be hungry, maybe even too weak to recover. Adult apple snails are sometimes shipped in a padded box with damp paper towels around the snails. They just close their shells and...
  39. R

    Rogues Gallery

    Want to see a bit younger me? Well, I will show anyway :D Me now:
  40. R

    My boys are getting a rowhouse

    About 2W/gallon:D If I converted it right, 0.5W/liter. I will put a CO2 thingy there too and use bottom and liquid fertilisers. I want to make it look like a jungle :)