Triops Breeding


Feb 21, 2006
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Allentown, PA, USA
Well i wanna breed triops for my fish as food. today my friend and i were at walmart and we thought it would be funny to buy them, so i did lol. how can i breed them? thanks! :)
Keep several of them together in a bowl, with a strip of fibreglasswindow screen down the side, after a few weeks pull out the screen and replace it, leave the screen out of water for a month then toss it in a jar with clean water and air and shake it up vigorously, if eggs were laid on that strip of screen new triops will hatch out, if not then you can go onto the next screen, if stored dry and cool the eggs last for years. Also, keep inmind that triops make brineshrimp look nutritious, its a nutrient wasteland inside of triops.
triops eggs will not hatch unless they are completly dried out
to sucsessfully breed triops you must leave the sand
(they bury eggs in sand) to dry - usually about 4 to 6 months later you add water and you MIGHT be lucky to get babies - this is to say they actually laid eggs.

i had two triops who laid eggs on a daily basis, even with care i never got any babies.

triops are wondrful pets to keep (very friendly, playful and interesting) so just keep them for pets! its more worthwhile

i only stopped keeping them because i couldnt emotionly deal with them dying off after 60 days :(
(i grew sadly attatched)

If you want to breed for fish food. buy some SEA MONKEYS (the kids version) with the little pot and food etc...
mine bloomed, had hundreds of babies and eggs, and they all successfully hatched!

or just buy them live from a pet shop (named brine shrimp) and put them to their deaths...but thats not nearly as fun XD

note: feed triops pellets - they LOVE them, and they lie on their back and nibble them like otters XD
its too cute

they also come up to your hand and *feel* you

oh and it says on the booklet triops dont bite ...they do lol (dosnt hurt)

my triops laying eggs:

I'm not sure about the "drying out" thing. I had triops in a small tank with fish, about six or so months after they died, baby triops started appearing.

Though, maybe the eggs landed in a dry spot somewhere (a part of the filter maybe?) and were stuck for six months before falling back into the water.
I'm not sure about the "drying out" thing. I had triops in a small tank with fish, about six or so months after they died, baby triops started appearing.

Though, maybe the eggs landed in a dry spot somewhere (a part of the filter maybe?) and were stuck for six months before falling back into the water.

on rare occations triops do hatch out straight away - but if ya wanna breed them its not worth relying on -

your very lucky that happened :)

i wish they were easy breeders, id still be keeping them!
Triops will hatch if the eggs never leave water, however the hatch rate is severely decresed, Also, triops in nature tend to lay there eggs on rocks and vegitation sticking up from the surface, they are less likely to be washed out and burried that way, the screen was to simulate that verticle but rought surface, and enable you to remove them easily, Also there are reports of tripos living to be 6 months old in some situations, and getting to be as big as 5 inches long.
Triops will hatch if the eggs never leave water, however the hatch rate is severely decresed, Also, triops in nature tend to lay there eggs on rocks and vegitation sticking up from the surface, they are less likely to be washed out and burried that way, the screen was to simulate that verticle but rought surface, and enable you to remove them easily, Also there are reports of tripos living to be 6 months old in some situations, and getting to be as big as 5 inches long.

yes quite true. one of mine reached a huuuge size.

triops also prefer murky water..
I left my water so skanky - i was retching away when it came to cleaning the bowl XDD is a great site
well today i saw some were born, i have hundreds of little yellow things. quite entertaining, but they are so hard to see
Triops are a bit tricky to get through their first stages, but after that they are quite easy to keep. The biggest danger for larger Triops is when they are molting, if they can't get rid of the old skin, they might die (and it is no good to try to help them, I tried once, didn't do any good, it died anyway). And I've heard that it is best to dry the eggs for at least two weeks and then put them to freezer for couple of hours before putting them to water (purified water). The eggs will hatch during the first 2 or 3 days.

Here's one of my old Triopses (Triops cancriformis):

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