Giant Ramshorn + Spixi Apple Snail =


Fish Addict
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Bucks UK

I have had a huge ramshorn and a burrowing spixi apple snail for over a year now, and they have never reproduced anything before [i wasn't expecting them to].

But the other day I noticed a baby Blue trapdoor apple snail crawling around..

Is it possible that this blue apple snail came from the ramshorn + spixi?

I havn't made any changes to the tank, and there's no way an apple snail some how got in there - as the tanks full of MTS and pond snails.


I wouldn't have thought so, completely different species cant reproduce :/ . Maybe some snails are hermaphrodites and dont need two snails? Never heard of that, although i know any two garden snails(if they are the same species) can breed because there is no real male/female(or there is and they change sex, i cant remember which -_- ).

I think however that its more likely the snail has been there since he was a teeny baby and you may not have noticed him because of the size, or maybe snails just take ages to actually produce eggs and when you got the snail it had already mated :huh: :) .
Could it have come from any plants you bought before? :unsure:
Marisa and Spixi can cross, but the offspring is usually sickly and looks like a mix of those two with stripes and all. So I don't think the blue one could be from Marisa+Spixi cross. Are you sure it's a blue apple snail and not a small bluish snail of some other species? Any pictures?

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