ever gotten bit/sucked on/licked by a snail?


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
WELL....i have an apple snail that i was keeping in my 10g, and everything was fine and dandy till he started eating my new java ferns :-(

so i decided to put him in our 33g tank with no live plants and plenty of brown algae which i hope he likes...not exactly a snail genius, so dunno...

but anyway, after i put him in there, he was sticking his snout out of the water...i don't want him gettin out and crawlin away or something so i gentley poked at his snout to try and frighten him back down...didn't work! instead he decided to suck on my finger :X felt...umm...dunno...wierd...but i was just wondering, if you let a snail suck on your finger, can it hurt you? lol....i can just imagine gettin some nasty infected hicky from a snail :crazy: lol.

ya, wierd question, but does anyone know if that could hurt me? i mean, he can't break the skin or anything, can he? i don't think they have teeth...but like i said, i'm no snail genius...i know very little...just to feed and keep happy...

edit-whoops...spelling errors :p
They do have this radula, sort of a plate with teeth. I suppose you have a Pomacea canaliculata, channeled apple snail, since it ate your plants and they tend to rasp hands with more force than regular apple snails. It won't be able to break your skin unless the snail is really big and you have really thin skin. And even if it could, it wouldn't cause anything bad. Just wash your hands well.

I keep my apple snails on my hand from time to time and it feels kind of funny when they taste my skin :blink: But my Pomacea bridgesii snails won't bite as hard as canaliculata so I have no idea how it feels like when yours tastes you.

You might want to study the www.applesnail.net, from the anatomy section if youre interested in their teeth. You will find information about the radula in digestion part.

But to keep things short, no need to worry, your snail just likes you :thumbs:
lol..woohoo...i feel special :wub: :lol:

maybe it wasn't a bite....maybe he was givin me kissys..lol. :* :look:

thanks for the linky! i'll check it out ^_^

edit-(after looking at site)

ahhh!! so thats what that funny lookin tube thing coming out of his neck is! glad that website said what it was, cuz it was botherin me for a while...lol! :hyper:
Applesnail.net really does have all the answers and lots of interesting pictures. I'm glad I was able to help. It's good to know your pets :)

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