Help with choosing snails


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2005
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I've been looking at all these snails pictures and I must say...Im in love!! I want to get some snails for my aquarium.

Does anyone know of a freshwater snail that does not

1. need air
2. Eat live plants
3. Lay eggs above water

Thanks :)
Joel said:
I've been looking at all these snails pictures and I must say...Im in love!! I want to get some snails for my aquarium.

Does anyone know of a freshwater snail that does not

1. need air
2. Eat live plants
3. Lay eggs above water

Thanks :)
Well Snails do need filters atleast I have mine filtered and you dont needan air pump but I have one and the egg part all depends on what kind ofsnail your getting so do you know the name of the one you want cause I can give you better info if I knew.
By air I meant that you have to give them space to come up above the water (which I dont want to do). I really really like apple snails. Can you tell me more about those?
Well apple snails can get pretty big 6" and no you dont need to leave room just like 1" of room but If wou want them to lay eggs give them about 2 inches of space because they pink like eggs above water you should get some plants decoration ect. and you feed them algae wafers they are very peaceful fish they do no harm but they will eat dead fish...Just somthing i've noticed in my tank when my little ramshorn comes to eat my apple snail comes and plows right over her and she needs to wait till hes done its kinda funny hes such a hog :) any more questions please ask :)
so do apple snails need space to get out of the water?
Do they lay there eggs above the water too? and if so, can you handle the eggs and put them in like a seperate aquarium to grow?
Well, if you want a pretty snail which doesn't eat plants, you want to get an apple snail, Pomacea bridgesii. It grows to about 2 inches and they mostly stay underwater, only females climb above water line to lay eggs, they do breathe air, but they have a siphon which they stick to the water line and exchange old air with new air to their lung, for that they don't need to go above water.

But if you want a snail that doesn't go above water level to lay eggs, then you might want to consider Neritina natalensis, zebra snail, they grow to about 1 inch, don't breathe air, but water and don't lay eggs above water line. The actually can't breed in fresh water, the small white eggs they lay underwater need brackish water to hatch. But they do climb off the water sometimes for no apparent reason, so you need a tight lid if you don't want to collect zebra snails from the ceiling, floor or your computer screen :D

You can find some more information about those snails from the pinned topic in this section.
Yes you can handle the eggs you can just take em off and throw em away and no you shouldn't move them until theyhatch but be careful they have very fradgile shells when newborn
rain- said:
Well, if you want a pretty snail which doesn't eat plants, you want to get an apple snail, Pomacea bridgesii. It grows to about 2 inches and they mostly stay underwater, only females climb above water line to lay eggs, they do breathe air, but they have a siphon which they stick to the water line and exchange old air with new air to their lung, for that they don't need to go above water.

But if you want a snail that doesn't go above water level to lay eggs, then you might want to consider Neritina natalensis, zebra snail, they grow to about 1 inch, don't breathe air, but water and don't lay eggs above water line. The actually can't breed in fresh water, the small white eggs they lay underwater need brackish water to hatch. But they do climb off the water sometimes for no apparent reason, so you need a tight lid if you don't want to collect zebra snails from the ceiling, floor or your computer screen :D

You can find some more information about those snails from the pinned topic in this section.
Thankyou for the information! :D It really helps
i thought it was a well known fact that apple snails eat plant matter - at least both of mine do, even when extremly well fed...hence the reason that malaysian trumpet snails are recommended for planted tanks - they allegedly only eat dead/decaying plant matter
There are different species of apple snails. Pomacea bridgesii doesn't eat plants, Pomacea canaliculata eats. You can find more information of them from the pinned topic :)

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