Apple Snail with attitude


New Member
Aug 1, 2005
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I purchased an Apple Snail yesterday thats the size of a golf ball. I thought they were strictly algea eaters, which they are, except this morning I realised what their favorite food really live plants.

I'm so glad I had dinner waiting for the little fellow when he got to his new home and he still is going at it! This snail must have been eating all night. :blink:

These monsters certainly have one hell of an appetite. It looks like having live plants in my tank is soon to be no go.

See what happens when you don't read up fully on new critters to your fish tank? This snail definitly has an attitude problem but it's cool, I just didn't expect to wake up this morning to see my plants being chewed up.

What do you all feed your Apple Snails? I know lettuce and carrots are accepted but what is your snails favorite food?...besides your plants.
Cucumber, crab pellets, algae tabs, catfish pellets.....plants......

The crab pellets have added calcium for their shell, which is really good for them. I also add calcium to the water just to be on the safe side.
My Golden Apple Snail died a few weeks ago. Since then my substrate has not been as clean, I know what it ate now! I have just bought another one. My old one was a bridgesli which doesn't normally eat plants. Hope the new one is the same sort. I forget the name of the other ones (think it's can something). Hope yours stops eating the plants. :)
:rofl: Bless him even though snails freak me out.
To the best of my knowledge the Apple Snail will eat just about any kind of veggie. Mine takes lettuce, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers and algea pellets. If you want more info this site is really good
morgan said:
My old one was a bridgesli which doesn't normally eat plants. Hope the new one is the same sort. I forget the name of the other ones (think it's can something). Hope yours stops eating the plants. :)

The other species is Pomacea canaliculata (there's also other big ones which eat live plants too), they are the large ones that love eating live plants. You can tell these two apart rather easily if you compare them. The one that don't eat live plants is Pomacea bridgesii. - Pomacea canaliculata vs. - Pomacea bridgesii
You have a cana, which eats plants.. and wont stop until they are all gone, lol.
When you see apple snails the size of a golf ball, it would be a safe bet that they are not brigs, which do not eat plants... but that they are cana's which CAN grow to the size of a baseball or bigger.

I only have one right now, and i keep him in a tank with a betta, and just feed him plant clippings from my planted tank :p

good luck with ur snail


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