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  1. bordercollie05


    I really like that idea. I'm going to be gone for a week so I think I'll run the blackout then and bring a little tank back from my parent's house for my betta; just in case. Plus, this is a great excuse to have on more fish tank :) Thanks for the idea!
  2. bordercollie05


    Thanks everyone for the responses! Aaron, I will try to get a photo up tomorrow-I seem to have misplaced my camera battery, oops. But the gunk is coating pretty much everything; gravel, rocks, plants, walls, even a little on the surface of the water. I don't dose ferts right now. My filter...
  3. bordercollie05


    Hi all, I have a 10 gallon planted tank, low-light set up. Currently, there is just a Betta in the tank. There is a java fern and two swords of some sort. It's been up for about 6 months now, and has been cruising along until a couple of weeks ago, when the slimy cyanobacteria took over...
  4. bordercollie05

    Ratty Owners

    This rat forum has a whole section for positing cage pictures: Enjoy your rats, they are such great pets!
  5. bordercollie05

    Lighting Question

    Hi Seffie, Thanks for the warm welcome :). I like that tank a lot. Do they sell it in the US? The websites I found only listed it in Euros or Pounds. Another thing is, in a way I'm a little hesitant for a plug and play tank because I really like to understand the equipment requirements...
  6. bordercollie05

    Lighting Question

    I've had freshwater aquariums for a couple of years, but due to the amount of moving I've had to do in school, I haven't really had the chance to do a salty aquarium yet. I'd really like to try one, but the apartment I'll be living in has a 20 gallon limit per aquarium. Sooo, I'm thinking of...
  7. bordercollie05

    What Are Your Top 10 Tropical Fish

    1. Angelfish- My first tropical, other than bettas 2. Pearl Gouramis- beautiful! 3. Bosemani Rainbows- love the bright colors 4. Cories! All of them :)- sooo cute! They remind me of penguins a little... 5. Bristlenose Plecs- Again, relly cute! 6. Tiger barbs- I like how they school and chase...
  8. bordercollie05

    Id Please?

    Hey, there it is! Thanks Scott!
  9. bordercollie05

    Id Please?

    Anyone know the name of it? Thanks!
  10. bordercollie05

    Fish Combination Suggestion

    I've had problems with guppies dying when moved to a breeding net prior to birthing. The babies could be moved safely, although I prefer to have a little ten gallon for my baby guppies. It's so fun to see them grow up! You'll enjoy it. Please do move your angel when it gets a little bigger...
  11. bordercollie05

    Did I Kill All My Bacteria?

    Just wanted to say that I always get a reading of .5-1ppm of Ammonia straight from the tap. This probably is not the case for you since you said you water changed to get close to 0, but just thought I should throw that out there for the readers of this thread to consider :) Also, I really like...
  12. bordercollie05

    Fish Combination Suggestion

    Just to warn you, you will have a hard time not breeding the platies, they are livebearers and if their happy they should breed if they are together. Breeding bettas is difficult and takes lots of time and patience. If you are really interested, you can read about that in the betta section...
  13. bordercollie05

    Investigating Cause Of Death

    Thanks Tolak! I'll try to find some the next time I'm out and about.
  14. bordercollie05

    Investigating Cause Of Death

    I'd be up for trying peat. I really can't afford most of the safe driftwood out there. What kind of peat should I use, and where do I get it? Thanks again!
  15. bordercollie05

    Investigating Cause Of Death

    Yeah I think so, but they have been living in this water for over a year. The pH here is really high and for 55 gallons buying RO water isn't really an option. I've always heard that fish will adapt to whatever pH you put them in (to an extent of course) and its better to do that than to try...
  16. bordercollie05

    Oppose Hr 669

    Yeah, this is not good. I really would be surprised if it passed though. There's emails going around every animal club I'm involved in and talk of it amongst my fellow animal science students as well. I hope enough people take action to avoid this bill! Anyone know when it's going to be...
  17. bordercollie05

    Investigating Cause Of Death

    I do. I'll do it first thing in the morning. My pH is usually rather high though, around 8. Also I did about a 30% water change tonight.
  18. bordercollie05

    Investigating Cause Of Death

    Just tested the water. Ammonia is still at 0, like last week. Nitrite is 0 and Nitrate is ~30. Everything seems normal to me. Also, what do you suggest feeding the cory and talking cats if not shrimp pellets. (I don't know if it matters but I looked at the ingredients and the first...
  19. bordercollie05

    Investigating Cause Of Death

    Hi all thanks for the help. I was gone for the weekend and came back to two more dead rainbows. I'm going to do a water change and test tonight after my classes. I don't notice any of the missing/faded scales on the rest of the rainbows. As for the cory, the substrate is sand so that...
  20. bordercollie05

    Investigating Cause Of Death

    They are eating fine, I feed shrimp pellets and flake usually once per day. The one cory's gills are slightly pink, but it seems like they have always been that way. The only other thing I noticed is one of the rainbowfish (Bosemani) has what looks like a few scales missing or faded. They...
  21. bordercollie05

    Investigating Cause Of Death

    They are eating fine, I feed shrimp pellets and flake usually once per day. The one cory's gills are slightly pink, but it seems like they have always been that way. The only other thing I noticed is one of the rainbowfish (Bosemani) has what looks like a few scales missing or faded. They...
  22. bordercollie05

    Investigating Cause Of Death

    So over the weekend I lost a cory and a young rainbowfish from my 55. Last night I lost another cory. Any suggestions about what is wrong? Here's some info about my tank; -55 gallon, with 55 HOB filter -Planted -Stock = 6 rainbowfish (left), 1 cory (left), 2 talking cats, 2 pearl gourami, 1...
  23. bordercollie05

    125 Gallon Tank

    Wow, I loved reading our thread. That tank looks really cool already. Looking forward to seeing how it develops! Laura
  24. bordercollie05

    My Dogs

    Yay, another agility enthusiast! I love that picture of her in the weave poles. I've never been able to get one of my dogs like that. Beautiful dogs :) :good: Laura
  25. bordercollie05

    Quick Words

  26. bordercollie05

    Lady The Labrador

    Aww, what a beautiful dog! That's a great picture too, she seems like she has a good sense of humor! Laura
  27. bordercollie05

    What Schooling Fish?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I really like all of those tetras :). I'll have a look at the fish shop to see what's available. Also, definitely will be adding the cories too. Hopefully I'll get some pictures of this tank up soon. Laura
  28. bordercollie05

    What Schooling Fish?

    After lots of changes in my plans for my 55, I've finally got a direction going. Right now, I have: 2 Pearl Gouramis (I think its a M/F, but not 100% sure) 7 Bosemani Rainbows (3M/4F) 2 Raphael cats 3 spotted cories I'd like to up the number of cories to 6 (so 3 more), and I'd really like to...
  29. bordercollie05

    Fish Id

    Here's my guesses: Fish 2 I think is a white cloud mountain minnow. Fish 1 I'm not as sure. It has the spot that rosey barb's have but it looks gold to me in the that picture. Laura
  30. bordercollie05

    Rat Sex

    I just got two females and love them dearly. They are very active though, I've heard males are a little more laid back. So I would think that would be personal preference. Good luck! Laura
  31. bordercollie05

    My Doberman - Bruno

    Aw, what a great dog! POTM for the first pic :)
  32. bordercollie05

    Fish Auction

    Hey Krib, I keep missing these! I'm out of town for the weekend, but I would have been in Peoria as it's my spring break. Oh well, hopefully I'll make it to one someday! I hope you find good stuff :) Laura
  33. bordercollie05

    Got Bored In My Art Class

    Wow thats really good!!
  34. bordercollie05

    Introducing Kiki

    I'll second that! What a cool bird!
  35. bordercollie05

    New Pals!

    Cool Jen, I have heard of shunamite. Right now I've got a seed mix from when I got them, but when that runs out I'd like to do a mix it yourself feed. 9-10 weeks! They ARE babies :). I am loving their company. Scoloujo, your rats sound like they were really neat! Maybe mine will be that...
  36. bordercollie05

    February Potm Nominations

    Here's the thread:;#entry22978 And here's Rosie! Nominated by Inchworm, guppy fan, and puppyjess123 Thanks guys!
  37. bordercollie05

    New Pals!

    Hi all, Thanks for the nominations! I've heard they are very trainable too, but so far they're still getting used to different foods. I'm pretty sure all they'd ever eaten was a seed mix, so they are cautious about everything new they eat. I'm hoping they'll learn to love something special...
  38. bordercollie05

    New Pals!

    Thanks for the nice comments guys! They are doing great still, they seem a little more comfortable every day. Rosie is still pretty timid, but June is very outgoing. I'm having trouble finding food they like other than the seed/grain mix. I don't think they've eaten fruits and veggies...
  39. bordercollie05

    New Pals!

    I got two little girl ratties two days ago. I'm already in love with them! They're so much fun, and seem to be adjusting well. I've never had rats before, but I think I'm catching on to them. I'm not sure how old they are, if anyone has a guess, let me know! I know they are young though...
  40. bordercollie05

    Plywood Tank...?

    This might be a stupid question, but how does a DIY Plywood tank work? How does the water stay in? Is it lined with glass or something? I've just seen this concept about the web, but can't seem ti find pics good enough to tell how it's made. Laura