New Pals!


Oct 16, 2007
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Texas, USA
I got two little girl ratties two days ago. I'm already in love with them! They're so much fun, and seem to be adjusting well. I've never had rats before, but I think I'm catching on to them. I'm not sure how old they are, if anyone has a guess, let me know! I know they are young though. Here they are:

June is on the left and Rosie is on the right.

June again, meeting my roommate:

Rosie crawling over my other roomie:

They are fast little critters and rather hard to photograph. I'll have to practice that one :).

They're adorable :wub:
I've never owned any myself, though I've had gerbils and loved them. My cousin has had rats for as long as I can remember, and I sooo want some, but dear husband is just not letting it happen.

Yours are gorgeous though, how are your room mates taking to them? I know my parents loved my gerbils until they found out how active they were through out the night.
Thanks for the nice comments guys! They are doing great still, they seem a little more comfortable every day. Rosie is still pretty timid, but June is very outgoing. I'm having trouble finding food they like other than the seed/grain mix. I don't think they've eaten fruits and veggies before, but I discovered they love soy milk....go figure? My roomates love them. One is an animal science major like me and she was excited as I am about having them here. I think my fish may be a little jealous though ;).

They are so cute!
I heard you can train them like dogs. They are very smart too.
Good luck with them and have fun!
I love rats the pet ones anyway lol their so clever and friendly plus been di urnal they are active in the day unlike hamsters
those two are cute
regards scot :)
I would say they are just a few months old. They are so darn cute I have kept rats in the past. I love them they are so clean, and intelligent. We used to let ours run in the bedroom and then tap a pencil on the cage bars for them to get back in the cage. Everso easy to train them with a nice little treat!
How sweet they are. :wub:

I'll give you a nomination for POTM for the third picture. I hope Rosie will get a second. :D
I've alsready nominated some other pics, so I'm not sure if I can nominate this one too but I will try. I'll second the nom.
Hi all,

Thanks for the nominations! I've heard they are very trainable too, but so far they're still getting used to different foods. I'm pretty sure all they'd ever eaten was a seed mix, so they are cautious about everything new they eat. I'm hoping they'll learn to love something special so I can teach them a few tricks :).

June really likes to be scratched and rubbed, but Rosie is still pretty shy. She likes to sit in the hood of my sweatshirt a lot!

I let them run around some, but not all over as my apartment isn't really "rat proofed". In the mornings they play all over my desk and at night I let them run around on my bed or the coffee table. They also love to burrow in the couch, but I try not to let them because I'm afraid of them getting squished or stuck.

I'm glad to see a guesstimate on age...I really have no idea about how to guess that. I knew they were young though because the petstore labeled them "baby rats", but they were clearly not infants lol.

Thanks for all the interest!
I use to have 2 rats Buzz and Gizmo. They use to have they run of my flat I would just leave the cage open and they would go back for toilet business and at night they would get on my bed and snuggle behind my knees, under the duvet! in the morning they would still be in the same position. When I had a bath they would sit on the side of the bath. They were 2 of the best pets I have ever had, as my son grows up and wants a rodent pet I will onlly be getting him rats.
Yours are absolutely beautiful and make me miss mine but with 2 cats not a good idea.

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