Investigating Cause Of Death


Oct 16, 2007
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Texas, USA
So over the weekend I lost a cory and a young rainbowfish from my 55. Last night I lost another cory. Any suggestions about what is wrong?

Here's some info about my tank;
-55 gallon, with 55 HOB filter
-Stock = 6 rainbowfish (left), 1 cory (left), 2 talking cats, 2 pearl gourami, 1 amano shrimp
-NH3 checked out at 0, didn't test the others yet
-Running for ~ 2.5 months with no deaths until now
-Also, this could be the problem--I aquired 5 neon tetras last Wed., all 5 have disappeared, couldn't find the bodies. Could they have brought something in?

Here's a pic of the most recent victim, I didn't think to take pics of the others before I threw them out.
Need the other water tests.

Yes it is possible that the Neons bought an infection with them, this is very quick for your fish to start dieing off though.
The bodies were probably eaten which means if it was bacterial it will have passed on to those fish that ate the bodies.

Are there any signs on the fish you have left.

Are they eating and what do you feed.
Any gasping
Any flicking, rubbing or darting
Any pink areas (the gill area on that cory looks very pink)
Any fin damage
Any bloating
Any other symptoms you have noticed
They are eating fine, I feed shrimp pellets and flake usually once per day. The one cory's gills are slightly pink, but it seems like they have always been that way. The only other thing I noticed is one of the rainbowfish (Bosemani) has what looks like a few scales missing or faded. They move so fast and are pretty small (probably 1") still so its hard to tell exactly what's going on with that one. Otherwise they are all behaving normally and look healthy.

Thanks for your help, I'd really like to figure this out so I can correct any problems in the tank.


They are eating fine, I feed shrimp pellets and flake usually once per day. The one cory's gills are slightly pink, but it seems like they have always been that way. The only other thing I noticed is one of the rainbowfish (Bosemani) has what looks like a few scales missing or faded. They move so fast and are pretty small (probably 1") still so its hard to tell exactly what's going on with that one. Otherwise they are all behaving normally and look healthy.

Thanks for your help, I'd really like to figure this out so I can correct any problems in the tank.

I'm seeing some redness in front of, as well as behind the gill plate, which appears to be wrapping around downward towards the abdomen. This could indicate a bacterial problem, adding in the missing neons, new stock which were probably eaten, and best bet is that it is bacterial.
If your water parameters check out OK, it's most likely a bacterial problem, at least with the corys. I can't see your cory's barbels in the picture, and if they are missing it would either point to rough substrate or bacterial infection as well.

Before you do anything, please give your tank a good cleaning and vacuum the bottom well. Get rid of the shrimp pellets too. The main ingredient in them is usually wheat, and uneaten particles settle into the substrate and decay which can lead to bacterial infections in your fish.
i use shrimp pellets for the bottom feeders i have had, and am planning on using it for the next ones. i think it's this type [URL=""][/URL]

do you mean to not even use a product like that? or to remove any leftovers from her tank?
my fish have always loved if you think they should go do you have any other suggestions for loaches (or cory's for the OP)

oh i just thought of something. i just got some cherry barbs recently from petco..i won't get into what a mistake that was..but anyways. i didn't quarantine them. one died in the bag, the other died a day later. the next day my balloon molly was dead, then my gourami got some weird white stuff around his head, and a very red head, and he died in a day or so.
Colin_T and Wilder thought it was either something chemical that got introduced with the barbs (even though i didn't put the water from the bag in), or it was bacterial.
the fish i lost became started out very lethargic, like staying down at the gravel, not swimming around much, way less active. i wasn't sure what was up, then they were if you see any signs like that i would immediately quarantine and treat for bacterial i guess...maybe someone else will have better advice.
They are eating fine, I feed shrimp pellets and flake usually once per day. The one cory's gills are slightly pink, but it seems like they have always been that way. The only other thing I noticed is one of the rainbowfish (Bosemani) has what looks like a few scales missing or faded. They move so fast and are pretty small (probably 1") still so its hard to tell exactly what's going on with that one. Otherwise they are all behaving normally and look healthy.

Thanks for your help, I'd really like to figure this out so I can correct any problems in the tank.

..i think you're having a posting problem..haha

my fish ate also..they were just very inactive other than that. ate the day before they died.
What are your water test results - The figures please.

The pinkness in the gill area and around it is not normal despite them having had it for a while.

Do you have any bacterial meds to hand. If so what is it.
Hi all thanks for the help. I was gone for the weekend and came back to two more dead rainbows. I'm going to do a water change and test tonight after my classes. I don't notice any of the missing/faded scales on the rest of the rainbows.

As for the cory, the substrate is sand so that shouldn't be a problem. I just checked out my remaining one and it's barbels are intact. I really can't tell if there's pink in the gills or not. It's silvery/shiny over the gills and there could be a tinge of pink behind that...but I'm not sure.

The only meds I have on hand are myracinII and melafix. I can get some though easily enough, my LFS has most meds I think. What would treat a bacterial infection? And should I treat the whole tank? My stock again is 2 talking cats, 1 amano shrimp, 4 bosemanis, 2 pearl gouramis, and the one lonely cory. I'll post water test results in a few hours.

Thanks again for the help, I'm worried about my remaining fish!

Just tested the water. Ammonia is still at 0, like last week. Nitrite is 0 and Nitrate is ~30. Everything seems normal to me.

Also, what do you suggest feeding the cory and talking cats if not shrimp pellets. (I don't know if it matters but I looked at the ingredients and the first three are kinds of shrimp, the 4th and 5th are wheat and wheat gluten--Is that still too much wheat?). I have some other sinking wafers is that better?

i'm no expert..if other people say it is ok then go by them, but i would say that pH is definitely too high for corydoras.
i think from what i read they like pH from 6.5-7.5 don't they?
i'm no expert..if other people say it is ok then go by them, but i would say that pH is definitely too high for corydoras.
i think from what i read they like pH from 6.5-7.5 don't they?

Yeah I think so, but they have been living in this water for over a year. The pH here is really high and for 55 gallons buying RO water isn't really an option. I've always heard that fish will adapt to whatever pH you put them in (to an extent of course) and its better to do that than to try to adjust the pH. If you have an idea of how to change the pH and keep it stable I'd be willing to try it.

Do most of you still think this sounds bacterial? If so, what meds should I get and should I treat the whole tank? Im' worried about the fish I have left and if theres bacteria/parasites/etc. I'd like to treat for it.


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