Lighting Question


Oct 16, 2007
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Texas, USA
I've had freshwater aquariums for a couple of years, but due to the amount of moving I've had to do in school, I haven't really had the chance to do a salty aquarium yet. I'd really like to try one, but the apartment I'll be living in has a 20 gallon limit per aquarium. Sooo, I'm thinking of trying my hand at a nano. I've been reading like crazy and really want to do this right :).

Right now I'm most unclear on lighting. I'm interested in having corals eventually, so I'd like to get the appropriate light to begin with, but I think I'd like to stick with PC or T5. How do you decide what wattage or Kelvin, etc. to pick? I know it depends on the corals you have, but I don't really know what I'll want yet. I'd like to pick a light that will give me some choice down the road, but it doesn't have to support ALL corals. I'm looking at either a 10 gallon or 20 gallon long tank. What would you pick for lighting for either of those tanks?


A ten gallon would be very limiting, go for the biggest tank you can :good: see if you can get away with the orca 550 (26 gallons) or maybe one of the other nanos currently on sale. There are lots of second hand bargains out there :good:

If you decide to go with one of the plug and play type of tanks and it is for marine like the 550, then the tank will already have t5 lighting :good: which means you can keep all softies and some lsp such as Euphyllia (mine and Tina's fav.)

Seffie x


oh and a warm :hi: to the salty side
Hi Seffie,

Thanks for the warm welcome :). I like that tank a lot. Do they sell it in the US? The websites I found only listed it in Euros or Pounds.

Another thing is, in a way I'm a little hesitant for a plug and play tank because I really like to understand the equipment requirements and put the set up together, etc.

I definitely know that bigger is always better as far as tank size goes :). I'm going to pick the biggest I can, but have to move in first to see what I'll have space for. I think I probably could get away with a 25/30 gallon range, I'm sure no one would know the difference.
Check online for the D&D nano range.....can be plug and play or customised...either with their own upgrade kits or you can go custom crazy.
Check online for the D&D nano range.....can be plug and play or customised...either with their own upgrade kits or you can go custom crazy.

it wont be d&d over in the states itll be jbj but its the exact same thing. theres a lot of plug and play nanos in the states id love mate id would highly recommend one

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