Did I Kill All My Bacteria?


AKA "Sparky"
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Wolverhampton, UK
I added mature filter media a couple oif days ago and today, i had to move my tank. Its 60L and i emptied it out, it was only possible for me to keep 20L of water. One bucket had fish in and the other had the filter in for id say 20 minutes or so.

Now, ive just tested and my ammonia is up to 1.0...

Do you think ive killed my bacteria or its just because ive disturbed everything
No, your bacteria are just fine.

If you did not let the media dry out or run tap water over it, you should be just fine.

If the bacteria left alone in water without an ammonia source, the bacteria will die off at a rate of about 3-10% a day, so I say you were fine for the 20 minutes you had the filter out.

Also, sometimes when the bacteria are exposed to a large amount of new water, like in your case, it will make the bacteria stop processing ammonia and nitrite for a day or so.

I say all is fine. :good:

Just seemed a bit strange as the ammonia was low for ages after getting mature filter media. Then my nitrites went through the roof. Then everything had calmed down. Then after the big move today nitrites were low and ammonia was high, I've just done a water change and ill see how it goes.

If i did kill it off (which i now doubt i did), I'm thinking worse things could've happened while moving an aquarium :p

Edit: It was, i had it in a bucket of water that i was saving as i could only save 2 x 10l buckets and one had fish and a couple of plants in (i thought a bit of shelter would help keep stress low)and the other just had the filter in.

Oh, and my ammonia is low again after doing a water change so we will see whats going on in the morning
I also agree that your bacteria are fine.

However, regardless of that you have detectable ammonia / nitrite in a tank with fish. That isn't a good situation.

You need to do big water changes NOW to reduce ammonia and nitrite levels to 0 or as close as possible.

BTT :good:
Yeah, ive done that and ammonias as close to 0 as i can get it this late... Im doing a fish-in cycle aswell so im used to doing big water changes when i need to.
It was just in case you didn't know. :good:

Keep us updated on your progress?
No problem, I've got a few threads floating around with pictures and stocking list ideas and all sorts, they're all recent so they shouldn't be hard to find (and also, feedback on my stocking ideas would be cool).

Infact, here goes

I'm thinking, well im undecided at the moment

Idea 1

3 mollys (2 + 1 fry in already)
5 Glowlight tetras
5 harlequin rasboras
6 Sterbai corys

Idea 2

3 Mollys (2 + 1 fry in already)
5 Cardinal tetras
5 Pentazona barbs
6 Sterbai corys

Idea 3
3 Mollys (2 + 1 fry in already)
5 Glowlight tetras
5 Pentazona barbs
6 Sterbai corys

Those are all fish I'd like to keep, but obviously you can't have everything in a 60L tank.
60L tank with real plants

I'm off to bed anyway, i start work at 6 tomorrow, well in a bit. I'll report back after work with test results.
Your tank should be fine in a few days to a week. I've started several tanks using the method that you used, and it's never been an instantaneous cycle, but instead very abbreviated. You'll just need to do enough water changes to keep ammonia and nitrite under .25 ppm.

For stocking, I like idea #1. You'll have a peaceful and active community tank and it should be really enjoyable for you. :)
I never wash my media with "tank water". I only wash it with tap water under the sink. Simply because my water is fine, I have well water. I don't have city water, which is full of chemicals. ^_^
Just wanted to say that I always get a reading of .5-1ppm of Ammonia straight from the tap. This probably is not the case for you since you said you water changed to get close to 0, but just thought I should throw that out there for the readers of this thread to consider :)

Also, I really like your stocking ideas, I have glowlights and love them, highly recommended. :good:

Well, so far I've only been able to find glowlight tetras... I think i'll need to drive further to find the rest.

Edit: Just done a test and my results are back to normal,

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
pH 7.6
Well, so far I've only been able to find glowlight tetras... I think i'll need to drive further to find the rest.

Edit: Just done a test and my results are back to normal,

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
pH 7.6
Good to see everything is back to normal.

Also, try to see if you LFS can order fish that they don't have in stock for ya.

I have two shops close to me, ones moody and have said no, and the fish i want arent on the availability list at pets at home which is the second shop in range. If im driving elsewhere i may as well drive further and pick them up myself...

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