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  1. shockshockshad

    Baby Fishies!

    I have 20-30. My LFS says they will take them. They also say that if you don't want the babies, let nature take its course- leave them for the other fish to eat. I got a breeding net, but I am having a LOT of troble catching the fry. I haven't even caught 1 in an hour.
  2. shockshockshad

    Baby Fishies!

    I really don't mind if I have some babies go. I don't even know what to do with them. Maybe give them to my LFS. (They are a good one)
  3. shockshockshad

    Baby Fishies!

    I have been advised to get a breeder box. Is that good? Or should I put them in my spare 10 gallon?
  4. shockshockshad

    Baby Fishies!

    This is my first time I have ever had babies! The female swordtail died in birth though. They are so small! I wasn't even expecting them! Should I feed them crushed flakes? Or type of fry food? The male is the only one left, so I WAS going to the LFS to get 3 females, but will they eat the fry...
  5. shockshockshad

    Ideas For A 21 Gallon

    Hmm, I think it needs some sort of schooling fish. Maybe, 8 of some tetra?
  6. shockshockshad

    What Kind Of Tanks Do You Keep?

    Lo-tech planted community is the only tank i have!
  7. shockshockshad

    New Moderator!

    WHAT DOES THIS BUTTON DO! :huh: Is it bad? I am guessing it is just a button that does something not bad
  8. shockshockshad

    I've Found Heaven On Earth

    WOW! I have never heard of something like that! I would love to go swimming in there!
  9. shockshockshad

    Bubbles Per Second

    kh is carbonate hardness and gh is general hardness. I don't know what that is though! Some relation between magnesiem and something else... You can get test kits for that.
  10. shockshockshad

    New Camera

    Now all of my cories have passed away. I have done some reasearch and I think my fish have gotton the illness HEMORHAGIC SEPTICEMIA (sorry it is in caps- I copied it from the website and it was in caps there. I didn't want to type the long words) at the fish store I got them at. They died...
  11. shockshockshad

    New Camera

    What is the red eye flash? Does it get rid of red-eye on people? How would you do it on a cannon camera? And for the angle... left and right or up and down?
  12. shockshockshad

    New Camera

    The reason I don't have many pics is because My fish don't stay still! Yes, that one was taken with flash- it was my first pic of the day and I forgot to turn the flash off before I took the picture. Those are some nice fish nelly!
  13. shockshockshad

    Poll: Dead Fish

    I said other because my LFS lets you give back the fish if it dies within 3 days, but if it is longer than that (since I can't vote twice) either flush it, trash it, or use it as compost like the fish you eat when you throw it away.
  14. shockshockshad

    New Camera

    Sadly, 3 cories passed away. I miss them. I think it was because I stocked to fast. I won't buy another swordtail or the 3 cories for another week, maybe a little more. I have a 20 watt full-spectrum bulb (made by coral-life) and flourish excel as CO2. The site I got them at said they don't...
  15. shockshockshad

    New Camera

    I try for my hands not to be shaky! Thank you all for helping me....I will try to take better pics!
  16. shockshockshad

    New Camera

    Since we have the same camera, what steps and which buttons do i do?
  17. shockshockshad

    New Camera

  18. shockshockshad

    New Camera

    Cannon powershot A560.
  19. shockshockshad

    New Camera

    Cory on a rock, swordtail in back: Female on top, male beneath her: Cory: Cory on driftwood: VERY close close-up: Thank you for visting my aquarium! lol: Sorry they are so blurry! How do I make them not blurry?
  20. shockshockshad

    New Camera

    I got a new camera that has an aquarium mode, and of course, I went crazy with it! Here are some pics of my fish: Welcome to my aquarium: Here is a cory on a rock (but the pics of all of the cories are blurry) Closeup of female swordtail: The male: The male and the female:
  21. shockshockshad


    They are already hard at work! I saw 3 on my drift wood eating the food that the swordtails didn't eat.
  22. shockshockshad


    I have purchased my corydoras. They are peppered I think, because my LFS doesn't label them, or the goldfish, they just say "corydoras cats" or "fancy goldfish". They are clear with grey-black spots. They look like the pictures of them on google, so I am pretty sure they are, but if they are...
  23. shockshockshad

    How Long Before You Decide A Missing Fish Is Dead?

    I lost a swordtail, so now I should wait a week? I have ruffled the plants and it wont come out (if its alive)
  24. shockshockshad

    Adding Fish

    There actually is no such thing as stabilizing. The bacteria you want to grow can't grow without food. Here is a link on fishless cycling It takes a lot shorter to cycle without fish (from about 2 weeks to 2 months-mine took a little over a month) than with fish (3 months) Yes, bio-spira...
  25. shockshockshad

    Whats The Calculation For Gallons? converts everthing, from measurment, to weight, to cooking, to who knows what.
  26. shockshockshad

    How Far Apart Should I Get The Fish?

    The swordtails have only been in the tank for 2 days, almost 3.
  27. shockshockshad

    How Far Apart Should I Get The Fish?

    Are rasboras hardy? If I shouldn't get the catfish, then that is all I can get because harlequin rasboras are the only other fish that I am going to get. Also, how fast do they grow? The rasboras at my LFS are only about 3/4 of an inch long. (maybe 2 centimeters?)
  28. shockshockshad

    How Far Apart Should I Get The Fish?

    So.... 70% of my fish would be about 2/3.... so maybe the swordies and the catfish for now, and then in a month get the rasboras?
  29. shockshockshad

    How Far Apart Should I Get The Fish?

    Yes, my tank just finished fishless cycling
  30. shockshockshad

    How Far Apart Should I Get The Fish?

    If I get about 3-4 teeny fish a week, there won't be enough ammonia, but if I get to many fish there will be too much ammonia. Will 1 type of fish (in my sig) a week be good? As you know, I have 3 swordtails, but 1 died i think, so I am getting another tommorrow. this was going to be my...
  31. shockshockshad

    What Would You Add To This Tank?

    What about 2 or 3 more cories? And if the swordtails are females, get a male, if they are 1 male and 1 female, get another female. But first, get the kuhli loaches.
  32. shockshockshad

    First Fish After Cycling!

    Oh no! Fish gone missing! One of the females in no where in sight! The 2 females and the male are all swimming around, but 1 is gone!
  33. shockshockshad

    First Fish After Cycling!

    After the 30 or so days of cycling, my first fish have arrived, and they are swordtails. Plus, I forgot to post this, my plants were in on monday. The fish are just about ready to be let in the tank. I will let you all know how it goes!
  34. shockshockshad

    Substrates For Oscars

    So, pea sized gravel would be fine. Thank you!
  35. shockshockshad

    Substrates For Oscars

    I MIGHT get an oscar tank in 6 months or a year or so. I wanted to get 1 oscar and 3-4 clown loaches. The tank would be a 75 gallon with a canister filter. (and a heater of course) The substrate I don't think matters for oscars, but would sand be the best for the loaches? I know it clogs...
  36. shockshockshad

    Nitrites Went Up!

    I was finished fishless cycling when my nitrites were at 0 for 3 days, and then I did the big water change. The next day, I did another water change because I took some of the water from the tank, and put it in my hospital tank (I used 1/3 of the water). But the next day after that (today)...
  37. shockshockshad

    Omega One Veggie Rounds

    Okay, thank you. I don't want to overfeed, or underfeed. This is off topic, but is it a good idea to fast? I was thinking, staple diet in the week, staple and supplements on saturday, and no food sunday.
  38. shockshockshad

    Omega One Veggie Rounds

    Well, how many inhabitants in not enough? I was thinking one pellet/round for the 6 corydoras.
  39. shockshockshad

    Omega One Veggie Rounds

    They are flat, round, dime sized things.
  40. shockshockshad

    Omega One Veggie Rounds

    My LFS (the most knowledgable person who wants you to learn, not buy things. The first thing he asked was did you cycle.) recommended omega one veggie rounds for corydoras. He said that for 6 cories, 2 rounds should be enough for a week. I think one a day would be better. They are penny...