Substrates For Oscars


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2007
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I MIGHT get an oscar tank in 6 months or a year or so. I wanted to get 1 oscar and 3-4 clown loaches. The tank would be a 75 gallon with a canister filter. (and a heater of course) The substrate I don't think matters for oscars, but would sand be the best for the loaches? I know it clogs filters, and when the fish dig up it, it makes cloudy water. And it compacts. My LFS has 1mm gravel, 3 mm pea gravel, and big pebbles (6-8mm). I was hoping to have rock piles too. And maybe a piece of driftwood. A river bed scene (with no plants). Would this be a good tank? I am probably not getting this tank, but I like designing tanks for fun, even if i would NEVER get it in my whole life. But anyway, I would like to get it! :good:
Just go with larher smoother pebbles, The tank you described sounds fine. The sand would always be everywhere due to the oscars digging habits.


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