Omega One Veggie Rounds


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2007
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My LFS (the most knowledgable person who wants you to learn, not buy things. The first thing he asked was did you cycle.) recommended omega one veggie rounds for corydoras. He said that for 6 cories, 2 rounds should be enough for a week. I think one a day would be better. They are penny sized. Also, the first ingredient is whole kelp and the second is spirulina. Will it get fungus in 24 hours like algae wafers?
i've never used or seen omega one's veggie rounds, so i can't answer your questions.

but if they're anything like omega one's shrimp pellets, be careful to break them into tiny enough pieces. i didn't do that and my largest (2.5") albino cory died from choking on a pellet after swallowing it whole.
i use omega one veggie rounds, and have never had one remain uneaten after about 16-24 hours.
if you don't have enough tank inhabitants to eat them fast, how about putting in a quarter of one at a time?
i have never seen one get fungussy.
Well, how many inhabitants in not enough? I was thinking one pellet/round for the 6 corydoras.
i feed one for 6 corys, 3 guppys (the guppies munch them), and a snail.

if you feed a half for 6 corys you should be fine.
Okay, thank you. I don't want to overfeed, or underfeed. This is off topic, but is it a good idea to fast? I was thinking, staple diet in the week, staple and supplements on saturday, and no food sunday.
Okay, thank you. I don't want to overfeed, or underfeed. This is off topic, but is it a good idea to fast? I was thinking, staple diet in the week, staple and supplements on saturday, and no food sunday.

sure, sounds good. :good:

i don't fast mine personally, but i probably should, as i am battling pest snails.

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