First Fish After Cycling!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2007
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After the 30 or so days of cycling, my first fish have arrived, and they are swordtails. Plus, I forgot to post this, my plants were in on monday. The fish are just about ready to be let in the tank. I will let you all know how it goes!
Oh no! Fish gone missing! One of the females in no where in sight! The 2 females and the male are all swimming around, but 1 is gone!
have a good look in the plants ect..... new fish do go into hiding until they feel safe, a little concerned though b/c even though swords are generally a hardier fish they shouldnt in my experience be used as first fish, they are more suited as the ones that are added a few weeks after the first fish such as danios, black phantoms or black neon but then the black neons can be sensitive at times as well.

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