What Would You Add To This Tank?


Jun 3, 2006
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Bathgate, Scotland, UK
Any suggestions of fish i could add to my 45 gal? It's planted and has a sandy bottom.

Fish in it just now are: 2 apisto cactouides, 2 rams, 4 corydoras schwartzii, 8 dwarf rainbowfish, 2 swordtails, 1 rtb shark, 2 killifish (until my other tank frees up), 1 kuhli loach, 4 shrimp, 3 otocinclus, 2 giant otocinclus.

I could tell you my ideas, but it might influence what you suggest...so i wont just now! :lol:

EDIT: spelling
How about some zebra loaches-get 3 they play together and forage like sheep-crazy and peace loving fish
How about some zebra loaches-get 3 they play together and forage like sheep-crazy and peace loving fish

what's there max size?

I'd add more kulhi loaches

I'm trying to find them as cheap as i got my first 2. (One died hours after i got it, but wasnt allowed to get it refunded!)
What about 2 or 3 more cories? And if the swordtails are females, get a male, if they are 1 male and 1 female, get another female. But first, get the kuhli loaches.
Get 4 more cories, 5 more kuhlies, and 5 more ottos. :good:
Wow, only one person has made a suggestion. All the rest say pretty much the same thing!
Some form of Plec? (Bristlenose, Bulldog, Clown?)
Also i find some shrimp very interesting, maybe a bamboo shrimp?
Wow, only one person has made a suggestion. All the rest say pretty much the same thing!
Some form of Plec? (Bristlenose, Bulldog, Clown?)
Also i find some shrimp very interesting, maybe a bamboo shrimp?
definately a bamboo shrimp :good: :lol:

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