Poll: Dead Fish

what do you do with a fish when it dies?

  • Flush it down the toilet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bury it in the garden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cremate it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Leave it for other fish to eat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Throw it in the garbage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other .... Please explain

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
normally the bin.

last night was an exception though, i lost my 3" common bristlenose :( , he must have been dead for 2 days max( thought he was hiding in his cave), when i pulled him out the smell was enough to almost make me sick so toilet he went ..
more than often, i can't even find the dead fish. not unless i open up my bichir :crazy:
I cant flush, i dont want to polluet the waterways more than they are already! I wrap the fishy in kithen paper and then put in the bin/trash. GRJ :rolleyes:
Bin it/bury it/ or flush it...Never leave them hanging around to long though :sick:
sounds cruel if the plecs aint had it it gets launched out the door on the grass out front

mind you my male bn died and i was that gutted he had his own funeral in the back garden

cheers dane
I said other because my LFS lets you give back the fish if it dies within 3 days, but if it is longer than that (since I can't vote twice) either flush it, trash it, or use it as compost like the fish you eat when you throw it away.
I usually put it in one of those tiny little plastic bags so it doesn't smell, then put it in the garbage. :(

I often do that too, cos I like to look closely at it through the bag (I don't like directly touching the dead body) if I'm not sure what it died from, e.g. if I'm looking for parasites.

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