How Far Apart Should I Get The Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2007
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If I get about 3-4 teeny fish a week, there won't be enough ammonia, but if I get to many fish there will be too much ammonia. Will 1 type of fish (in my sig) a week be good? As you know, I have 3 swordtails, but 1 died i think, so I am getting another tommorrow. this was going to be my schedule:

I have 3 swordtails- 12 inches
tommorrow- 1 swordtail- 4 inches=16 inches of swordtail
1 week from now- 6 cories- 12 inches
2 weeks from now-rasboras- 12 inches

As you can see, they are all basically the same size, so I don't think there would be an ammonia over-whelm if I put one type of fish first, or another, but cories and swordtails are hardier (I think) so that is why I am getting them first. But is one week apart a good interval?
if you've finished fishless cycling you can nearly fully stock the tank, go for about 70% of the fish you want. then leave it a good few months before adding more and just add them slowly
So.... 70% of my fish would be about 2/3.... so maybe the swordies and the catfish for now, and then in a month get the rasboras?
Leave the catfish as most do better once the tank has matured. Add hardy fish to start with
Are rasboras hardy? If I shouldn't get the catfish, then that is all I can get because harlequin rasboras are the only other fish that I am going to get. Also, how fast do they grow? The rasboras at my LFS are only about 3/4 of an inch long. (maybe 2 centimeters?)
If there are swordtials already in there, then there will have been bacterial die-off from the reduced bioload. So you do have to add slowly.
The swordtails have only been in the tank for 2 days, almost 3.

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