Search results

  1. M

    A Tank Too Big?

    My Betta currently calls my 40 gallon community tank his home. He hangs around at the top by the floating plants, and does laps around the tank, fins flared often since he can see his reflection. Looks beautiful doing it too. Often he'll be down by the bottom, exploring and investigating. He...
  2. M

    My Biggest Tank Yet

    Have fun, but remember 50 Gallons will be used up quickly with that many adults + fry.
  3. M

    Upgrading To Larger Tank

    When I upgraded from my 20 gallon to my 40 gallon, I just transferred the media, gravel, ornaments and some water, and the mini cycle was done in roughly 2-3 weeks. You'll be okay, I think. :) Good luck!
  4. M

    Emergency! Found My Ebl Out Of Tank!

    From what I've read, EBLs are like battle axes, they can withstand quite a bit. If he's acting funny, he's probably just a little shell shocked (no pun intended har har har), I mean after all, he was harassed by two giant hairy beasts for a short time. Give it time, he'll be just fine imo.
  5. M

    What Other Fish Can I Add To My 1 Foot Tank

    What about not double posting the same topic.
  6. M

    How Good Are Magnetic Glass Cleaners?

    Proven tools throughout the industry, I doubt you will find a negative review anywhere. And I also just let mine sit in my tank. When I see any type of growth - wipe away. I've also convinced my girlfriend and my buddy to get them too. :D
  7. M

    First Tank

    Nice tank, although there are some compatibility issues that need dealing with. Are you sure it's 37g? Looks more like a 25 or 30 to me.
  8. M

    Friend In Need!

    I'd say get an army of smaller fishies, a true sight to behold. Otherwise try looking at Ghost knifes. Truly beautiful.
  9. M

    What Are My Females Doing?

    It is very possible that you did get a male. I've seen several Bettas that appear female but are actually male. If they spawn this shall be quite serendipitous for you I suppose, depending on whether or not you can care for or sell the fry of course.
  10. M

    My 55 Gallon Tank

    It's a fine tank, although I agree with ridding your tank of the clay pot. Also, if you can, try and add some driftwood or additional caves not only for enhanced scenery, but to provide your fishies with more security in the tank. It is planted, yes?
  11. M

    My Market Research

    A) It depends on my experience with the 'old' product. B| No day in particular, just whenever I happen to go. C) 3. Big Als, Super Pet, and PetCetera. D) Yes. E) They cover setting up tanks, but no emergency help services. I think a lot of people could benefit from this - especially if one...
  12. M

    I've Found Heaven On Earth

    Absolutely amazing. You could actually make a lot of money from breeding them . . . try and get as many tanks as possible, it could truly be worth the investment. Thanks a lot for the pics. :hyper:
  13. M

    Aquarium Photos.

    Thanks. Do yours walk around your tank? Mine sits around his ship all day and only comes out at night when I can't see him.
  14. M

    Approaching Shops

    Walk right in, and ask to talk to the manager. Don't tell anyone why, just go straight to business. Only tell him, and he/she will probably be surprised at your tenacity. I'm sure if you produced the product, he would gladly buy them from you - like mojo said, you're probably cheaper than a farm.
  15. M

    Will Switching To Sand

    This is also something I am interested in. Quick question though, how does one add sand while there is water in the tank? Just pour it in and let it settle?
  16. M

    Buying A Fluval Or Canister Filter

    It will be good for a Discus tank, considering they're somewhat very polluting fish.
  17. M

    My First Tank

    It is somewhat unsightly, but it will eventually disappear on its own.
  18. M

    A Few Pics

    What is the size of your tank in gallons.
  19. M

    My First Tank

    Looks great! Love your crowntail betta, he's really nice. btw Diatom algae isn't necessarily a bad thing, it signifies that your system is beginning to stabilize.
  20. M

    Aquarium Photos.

    Hah thanks. Yeah they're big babies, these shrimp. When I was doing some major tank maintenance a few weeks ago, I removed all the fish and kept them in heated buckets, and my vamp curled up when I picked him up by hand. Then in the bucket he strut around like he owned the place.
  21. M

    How Did You Get Into Fishkeeping.

    About 6 months ago, when my lizard died (I took very poor care of him. It was such a shame now that I look back on how it easy it would have been to take excellent care of him), I wanted to start new and do it properly. I decided getting some fish would also add to my bedroom quite nicely, and I...
  22. M

    Considering Getting Fish Again - Please Help

    I'd say that, in order to maximize your limited selection, you get the most entertainment from doing a 10 gallon puffer tank. Dwarf puffers only need about 3 - 5 gallons to be happy, and if you have a 15 it's even better. They're somewhat challenging at first, since they're kind of picky with...
  23. M

    My Juwel Vision 180 Tank

    Looks great!
  24. M

    Aquarium Photos.

    Well I once saw him defend his food quite from a would-be thief one time. He was out feeding during the day, I dropped him a chunk off an algae wafer, he began picking off it, and my Betta decided to take a bite. The shrimp extended both of his red claws upward, and the Betta backed off pretty...
  25. M

    I've Found Heaven On Earth

    Interesting story. Will be watching for pics . . .
  26. M

    Aquarium Photos.

    Thanks! I would love to but he's very nocturnal and at the moment isn't out right now. I will try to bait him out later tonight during feeding. In the meantime though, here is what they do look like: They are filter feeding shrimp so they really are harmless.
  27. M

    Aquarium Photos.

    Hi all. New to this board. I've just finished setting up my third tank ever, my 40 gallon community tank. Current readout of tank is as follows: 4 Sterba Corys 2 Ghost Shrimp 1 Vampire Shrimp 1 Male Veiltail Betta My Cories. My beautiful Betta and another Cory. My Betta again...