Aquarium Photos.


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Hi all. New to this board.

I've just finished setting up my third tank ever, my 40 gallon community tank. Current readout of tank is as follows:

4 Sterba Corys
2 Ghost Shrimp
1 Vampire Shrimp
1 Male Veiltail Betta


My Cories.


My beautiful Betta and another Cory.


My Betta again.


Ghost Shrimp, the largest of the two.


The left side of the tank. My cories have set up their homes behind that cave in the thick bunch of plants.


The right side of the tank. My vampire shrimp lives inside the ship's front end. I purposely sloped the corner so I could partly submerge the ship and to make it more interesting for my bottom dwellers.


The tank in its entirety.


My filter setup. I use two HOBs, one an Aquaclear 50, the other a Red Sea Nano Filter. The heater is an Elite 150W submersible.

Hope you like the pics!
:hi: to the forum :)
like the photos, nice cory's and lovely betta.
Can you post a pic of the Vampire Shrimp i have never seen one before :)

I would love to but he's very nocturnal and at the moment isn't out right now. I will try to bait him out later tonight during feeding. In the meantime though, here is what they do look like:



They are filter feeding shrimp so they really are harmless.
cool thanks :) i thought by his name he was gonna be a monster :)
Well I once saw him defend his food quite from a would-be thief one time. He was out feeding during the day, I dropped him a chunk off an algae wafer, he began picking off it, and my Betta decided to take a bite. The shrimp extended both of his red claws upward, and the Betta backed off pretty quickly.
Hah thanks.

Yeah they're big babies, these shrimp. When I was doing some major tank maintenance a few weeks ago, I removed all the fish and kept them in heated buckets, and my vamp curled up when I picked him up by hand. Then in the bucket he strut around like he owned the place.
I love the setup, it is very original. I like the fish too and you have a lot of room to add a lot more. :good:

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