Buying A Fluval Or Canister Filter


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Maryland U.S.A
Do you guys reccomend these units? I'm going to keep and breed a pair of Discus in a 40 gallon tank. I wanted to try and get a new filtration system as my penguin and whisper units keep dieing on me after about a year which I find ridiculous :angry:

My main question is will it be ok to get a unit that is meant for up to 150 gallons for my 40. I'm sure that after a certain amount of gallons the usefullness of getting a higher gallonage filter begins to level off, but I want to get one because soon I will also buy a 150 gallon aquarium.

Any thoughts from people with experience? :good: Thanks in advance.
personally i wouldn't have a fluval external if you paid me to have one.
there are far better makes out there for the same price of cheaper.

search these forums for external cannister and you will see the many many threads on the subject.
I am a fan of the Fluval filters. I think you get what you pay for really. There are better filters but they aren't as bad as people always make out. Look into Ehiem and Rena filters first.
I'd say the latest Fluval models are over priced and go with an Eheim. I have a Fluval too and got it cheap but it's "last years" model so I lucked out.
I would definitely have a look at eheims, they are good externals.

If you cant afford a brand new one, then dont rule out second hands. Eheim externals last for years and years, and provided that it works fine and with an impeller that isnt broken (broken impellers can be the a problem in 2nd hands.)

I got my 2224 second hand, saved alot.
Have a look at the Eheim 2217. I run one of these on my 47 gallon Tanganyikan tank alongside a Fluval 4 Plus internal and it's a fantastic filter. It's rated for over 150 gallons, but I'd take those figures with a big pinch of salt and, besides, there's nothing wrong with over-filtering! :)
Hmm thanks guys Unfortunately I can't find an ehiem at my lfs. The ones they do have are over 200. All ours say Rena, Fluval, and Magnum, some new brand. I was thinking about getting this great looking magnum that is for up to 100 gallons and is transparent. There is a massive biowhell thats in the middle, with a round blue penguin filter like cartridge with carbon. It rotates the water throughout that chamber before sending it back into the tank. It seems super easy to clean and reassemble compared to other canisters. It also has a python vaccumme that comes with it that hooks onto the intake valve for some quick cleaning. This could be an amazing bargain, or a great lie. What do you guys think about magnum filters?

THis is the filter I believe!

Please tell me what you think asap because I was thinking about getting it tommorow, thanks for your help so far.

O and if this is bad, how are Rena canisters?
I'm a Fluval fan. I've been running there models for years and never had a single problem. Look into thier x04s.
I've been very happy with my 2 Fluval 305s. Been running flawlessly for 2 years. I will say that Eheim seems to be the prefered filter on these forums though.
It will be good for a Discus tank, considering they're somewhat very polluting fish.
Do you guys reccomend these units? I'm going to keep and breed a pair of Discus in a 40 gallon tank. I wanted to try and get a new filtration system as my penguin and whisper units keep dieing on me after about a year which I find ridiculous :angry:

My main question is will it be ok to get a unit that is meant for up to 150 gallons for my 40. I'm sure that after a certain amount of gallons the usefullness of getting a higher gallonage filter begins to level off, but I want to get one because soon I will also buy a 150 gallon aquarium.

Any thoughts from people with experience? :good: Thanks in advance.

I ran a fluval 403 for several years on my old 40 and that filter kept my water very clean and unless you end up creating rapids in your tank I dont think there is any harm in over filtering capacity wise. My only beef with the fluval cannisters [ I later added a 303 when I moved up to my 135 gal.] was that I replaced a lot of impellers, and in the end I took a friends advice and tried Eheim. an Eheim 2217 and that is now still in use on my 135. they both do an excellent job but I still find myself checking the electrical connections and grabbing the Eheim cause from day one to the present I still cant hear the bloody thing running. If you end up with a 150 gallon tank I would highly recommend you go with a wet / dry set up underneath with the syphon setup up top.I dont think anything else compares. they do cost you, but I have seen friends who took one look at my setup and went out and built their own from scratch ,short the pump which was the only thing that really required a bit of cash. They saved so much money it made me a bit angry.

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