Upgrading To Larger Tank

The waste products will be more dilluted but they will still be going through the filter at much the same rate if the new filter is well matched to the tank probably turning over the tank 3-6 times an hour in both tanks, shouldnt really cause any issues. the nutrients will still be getting to the bacteria at much the same rate as before.

8 hours population doubling time is not uncommon amongst filter bacteria, any die back will be replaced very quickly :D. A mature tank can be very very stable for this reason.
You're probably right about the filter moving the water at the same rate or at least close as long as they were turning the tank the same number of times per hour. It's too early and I didn't think of that. Most everything I've read on bacteria reproduction lists a doubling time of 12 to 30 hours but that is mainly dependent on water temperature and pH as bacteria reproduction increases as pH and temperature rises. Even in a worst case scenerio though, it should be at worst a little over a day.
When I upgraded from my 20 gallon to my 40 gallon, I just transferred the media, gravel, ornaments and some water, and the mini cycle was done in roughly 2-3 weeks. You'll be okay, I think. :)

Good luck!
I upgraded from 2 smaller tanks to a larger juwel Trigon 350. The two filters I had clicked together to form one and I just used a faster power head on it. I moved most of the water, gravel and ornaments over to the new tank although I suspect this didn't make much diffference. I put the fish in immediately and saw no spikes of ammonia or nitrite, in fact I was so shocked I bought a new test kit to be sure, the only rise was the nitrates which is normal, and my weekly routine obviously kept that in check. I think although it was technically a new set up, the actual mechanics of it was just a very large water change as the 2 filters were cycled and matured.
I upgraded from 2 smaller tanks to a larger juwel Trigon 350. The two filters I had clicked together to form one and I just used a faster power head on it. I moved most of the water, gravel and ornaments over to the new tank although I suspect this didn't make much diffference. I put the fish in immediately and saw no spikes of ammonia or nitrite, in fact I was so shocked I bought a new test kit to be sure, the only rise was the nitrates which is normal, and my weekly routine obviously kept that in check. I think although it was technically a new set up, the actual mechanics of it was just a very large water change as the 2 filters were cycled and matured.

That would be exactly what I would expect to see

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