I've Found Heaven On Earth

Wow! Is asking what state you live in too much to ask? I heard you say you were in the northwest in another board, doubt it's anywhere near me but might as well try!
wow man.... WOW!

That Last Fish in the Second post... I want it ... now... seriously.... what a beauty... If you have spare tanks, go back and get a few more of thoes and BREED THEM and make millions.....

I would be scared of putting my feet in there for fear of losing a toe to that MOSNTER koi... that thing could feed a family for a week! lol
wow man.... WOW!

That Last Fish in the Second post... I want it ... now... seriously.... what a beauty... If you have spare tanks, go back and get a few more of thoes and BREED THEM and make millions.....

I would be scared of putting my feet in there for fear of losing a toe to that MOSNTER koi... that thing could feed a family for a week! lol

I thought it was a beauty also, any idea what it is??? Funny thing about you talking about losing a toe, some of the fish actually nibble on your toes!!! It is a weird feeling... but doubt I'll lose any digits :)
So cool! Well worth the wait. Thanks for taking the time to post the pics for everyone and keep em coming :good:
:cool: :- :band:

I agree well worth the wait, and I'm glad I was a supporter on this one :D. Well if its the little white fish you are tlaking about... that's a pink convict. Nothing special really, just a nice male that looks like my one that just died. Pack some of them, up and send them my way ;).

Also, whenever you get the chance, please when you go back, take soem more pics, that was amazing!!! I would love ot see you many encounters there and all the fish!!!
Amazing, there is no doubt, congratulations on your find.

Pheasant tail nymph ehh? what size 16 or 18 :p
<-----Fly Fishing Enthusiast

I wish i could find somewhere like that, and how about the scenery, its simply stunning.

Absolutely amazing. You could actually make a lot of money from breeding them . . . try and get as many tanks as possible, it could truly be worth the investment.

Thanks a lot for the pics. :hyper:
That is a very nice spot. Could never find a nicer place here in Aus. Keep updating with pics every now and again please. Thank-you for sharing
Amazing, but i don't want to sound mean or anything but it would be best for them to stay there they obv like it! lol i dunno just seems unfair to take them from their natural home i know we keep fish in tanks which have been taken originally from the wild but they are bred for a aquarium but still amazing work :)

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