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  1. S

    Upgrading Tank, Fixing Mistakes.

    I've been under the impresion Neons, black Neons, and glowlight tetras all shoal together making the group I have a good group. Am I wrong?
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    Upgrading Tank, Fixing Mistakes.

    OK I checked my records, my pH has always been a decent number but has never been stable. The 29 gallon is showing 7.2 now, I'll keep an eye on it, the tank hasn't been up long.
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    A Number Of Beginner Questions/problems...

    You might also want to check this site out. It gives some pretty decent info on a lot of fish. It will tell you a lot about size, temp...
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    Upgrading Tank, Fixing Mistakes.

    Lets start with a little history: I started about a year ago with a 10 gallon. Started off with 3 or 4 Glass fish (all dead but one,) a few ADF's (dead,) 4 Neons (just lost first one last week,) and a pleco (dead.) The frogs were killed in an accident caused by a 3 year old, most of the glass...
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    How Can You Take Pictures Of Fish Without Them Swimming Away?

    you might try video then capture your pic from that. Most digital cameras will do that then you can just set it up there and walk away.
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    Some One Cooked My Frog.

    I looked at my notes from when I did the first fishless cycle and 6 drops is what I was adding so I added that. It'll be a little more then 12 hours but I'll look at it when I go in tomorrow and see how it looks. Man I hope it's ok I really don't want to go to work every day, specially on the...
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    Some One Cooked My Frog.

    The heater has an adjustment dial, I think a coworker or one of the office children messed with it not knowing better. I have it set correctly now and have taped the dial in place. The last recorded test was about a month ago so it's too old to go by. I did test it about two weeks ago and all...
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    Some One Cooked My Frog.

    I came into my office Tuesday and my frog was dead. I took him out and that was the only fish in there at the time. When I came in Wedesday I noticed the temp was off the chart and the water was hot enough to take a nice bath in. I put several cups of ice in and brought the temp back on the...
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    Free Background?

    I have a great printer at work surely there are some free backgrounds I can download?
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    How Dangerous Is It Not To Have A Level Tank?

    If the surface your tank is on is true to the tank there is no physical reason that will cause a crack. I learned a lot of physics when I got my divers license and there would be little to no difference in pressure on the bottom of the tank just because it was a little off level. The guy who had...
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    Feedin Dwarf Frogs

    My frog was the same way till I put her in my 5 gallon. The 5 gallon is also in my office and the old tank is at home in the living room. Before any time you got close to the tank the frog would just run and hide, now when I get to the office I kinda tap the tank to say high and sit at my desk...
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    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    I'm 33 got our fist tank for Christmas (technically it's my 10 year old sons but he has Cerebral Palsy and cant care for it) it got us hooked and we now have the three in my sig. Didn't start doin it right till I joined the forum.
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    My 5 Gallon Is Finally Ready!

    Poor Kermit Died overnight. Well I don't think he's dead yet but he is upside down on the bottom of the tank and just kicks every once in a while. Guess I'll have to take him back to petsmart.
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    My 5 Gallon Is Finally Ready!

    I've had the big one for a while now and she never hid in the rock in the tank she came from. The new one was out and swimming at the store so thats why I picked him. I have a lot of Dalls Cowboy stuff in my office so a little helmet would be cool. I do need to see if I can find my fake plants...
  15. S

    My 5 Gallon Is Finally Ready!

    I finally after about 4 months got my 5 gallon cycled. I moved it to my office today and got the second frog for it. Meet Kermit and Miss Piggy. Next I need to find more decorations for it. Any Sugestions?
  16. S

    How To Feed Frozen Bloodworm Cubes?

    Mine didn't come in cubes rather just a frozen sheet that I break a piece off and just drop it in the tank. Neon Tetras are my smallest fish and none seem to have a problem.
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    Do Fish Grow To Their Invironment?

    Yea thats what I thought but it's what my father in law keeps saying. Of coarse if you have paid attention to my posts when I first started you all know he's a moron by now anyway but he is the one who got me involved in aquatics but it turns out he has no clue what he is doing... poor fish. I...
  18. S

    Do Fish Grow To Their Invironment?

    I think I know the answer to this one but I just want to verify. I keep getting told that fish will grow to their invironment, IE a pleco in a 10 gallon is fine because it won't get too big while it is in there. This might be true but if so wouldn't stunting their growth just shorten their lifespan?
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    Water Change During Fishless Cycle

    I almost wonder if when you added tha last batch of amonia you might have gone over 6ppm. My tester maxes out around there so I wonder if that is the case and you just need to wait till it can get it back bellow the 5-6 mark before you do anything. I would also retest both the ph from the tap...
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    The Final Water Change

    As far as the declorinator question I usually add it to the water in the tank just before I start adding water. Of coarse our water has no Chlorine but Im not sure about the other metals so I use it anyway.
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    I'm A Dad Again

    Yea I was thats why I waited so long to open it. Congradulations. I've been buisy this week celebrating my little girls 4th b-day.
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    Diy Decorations

    Guess I should do a search for sculpey first.
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    Dwarf Underwater Frogs

    What you have is a starter kit and that container sounds like nothing more then a shipping container. Get a 5 gallon hex. it should come with all the filtration you need just add a heate and you'll probably need to add some substrate since I am betting what you have is not enough. You can use a...
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    Colored Sand

    could i use colored sand like art sand as substrate?
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    Two Totaly Unrelated Questions.

    :P Maybe we'll see each other Feb. 3rd.
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    Diy Decorations

    I want to make a football, a helmet, and a goal post any sugestions.
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    Two Totaly Unrelated Questions.

    Exactly 2 less then any Baltimore team has won in the hystory of the Super Bowl. Thats funny How many have they one this century? Like thats a long time. At this time Baltimore is only capable of winning 1 per century and since they already have theirs for this century you've got a long road ahead.
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    Two Totaly Unrelated Questions.

    I didn't look real close but that said it was battery operated which makes me thing there might be some metal in there that will carrote. Plus it doesn't look like it will provide any shelter. I'd really like a helmet, maybe a foot ball, and a field goal. I don't know why I didn't think about...
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    Two Totaly Unrelated Questions.

    First: I Just bought a "Lundon Bridge" decoration for my Clown Loach tank. It is roughly 12" long 6" deep and 10" tall. Ever since I got it my clown loaches will not come out. I even starved the tank from a feeding at 6:00am Saturday and didn't feed again till about 10:00PM Sunday. When I fed...
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    Dwarf Underwater Frogs

    I will assume they are African Dwarf frogs and not African Clawed frogs (clawed frogs have no webing between their toes). I have little personal experiance with this but I researched it a while back when i was shopping for a tank for my ADFs. I ended up getting a 5 gallon to hold two. You could...
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    We Have Had Another Tragedy!

    Oh yea I meant to ask if i should hold off on feeding?
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    We Have Had Another Tragedy!

    That tank has 2 clown loaches and 3 glass fish.
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    We Have Had Another Tragedy!

    My youngest child is so helpful and she just loves fish. Today she poored about 1/2 a can of flakes (at least this time it wasn't foot powder) in the tank because the fish just looked sooo hungry. My wife did about a 90% water change but she really doesn't know what she's doing and when i cam...
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    If I use zuchinni then can I use squash? How long and how much do I put in there? The feeding rule I go by is what the eat in 5 min is that good? Will on peice be good or should I devide it so they can share better? Does it effect the water? Can I give it to them frozen? I read last night that...
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    Are My Fish Stressed?

    Well I finally made it to Petsmart. I picked up 2 peppereds and i think she gave me the 2 smallest ones they had. They're not a whole lot smaller so it's all good. The older cat still spends more time just sitting in the corner then I would like, but he gets around alot more then he was, plus...
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    Are My Fish Stressed?

    You missed that on a little. The 5 gallon is empty since it is still cycling. When It finishes I plan to put my current ADF in there and find her a boyfriend and thats it. By the one inch rule that gives me room for 3 more fish in my 10 gallon so I was thinking a pair of Corys and another black...
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    Are My Fish Stressed?

    How can i tel if my fish are stressed? Just what is stress? Is it a desiese or a state of mind? Do I need Dr Phil or some medicine? I find it hard to beleive a fish can get emotionally stressed since they only have a memory of like 30 seconds. That being said i do have a single peppered cat that...
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    Electric Blue Crayfish

    I saw some of these at Wal-Mart and they look pretty groovey. I think I would like to get some. I did some research and found a site that said they like cooler water and were best in unheated tanks. Is this true? Could I put them in with my Clown Loaches and Glass Fish? Is it ok to just get one?