

Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2007
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Albany, Minnesota US
Will Platies, Guppies, And Mollies Eat off cucumber. also is it just regular cucumber you put in the tank or sea cucumber?
I recently saw this at the lfs and forgot to ask. also if i add cucumber how long can it stay in the tank before i need to remove it? Will it Screw Up My Water?
Thanks In Advance
Sea cucumbers are a type of invertabrate, not vegetable. Use zuchinni, it's not as messy and the fish love it. Mollies and platys wont eat it quite as much as plecos, goldfish and african cichlids would though.
Don't use Sea cucumber, it's an actual animal!! :nod:

You want to use the vegetables. Not sure about how much the tropical like it as much as goldfish, and a few other bottome feeders do.
If I use zuchinni then can I use squash? How long and how much do I put in there? The feeding rule I go by is what the eat in 5 min is that good? Will on peice be good or should I devide it so they can share better? Does it effect the water? Can I give it to them frozen? I read last night that clown loaches like them so and i have some if i don't use or freeze soon will need to be thrown out so it would make the perfect canidate to freeze and feed to them once or twice a week. I also saw they like peas, what other vegies can i give them?
i always microwave all my veggies for about 2 minutes or something like that, i always feed my pleco, cories, and guppies mostly lettuce ..they ADORE it!!! i can leave for a whole weekend and there might be just a smidge leftover so i guess try it with zucchini as well mine didn't like it as much, but leave it in definetly for more than just 5 minutes leave at least a day or two....they like it softer, and the longer it's in there the softer it gets, but don't leave it until it's all disgusting and mushy.
hope i helped!
when i put cucumber in, it just floated. So i took it out. Does it sink eventually?
my female bettas love cucumber, i cut off a piece then attach it to a stainless steel spoon and pop it in the tank, funny to see them attacking it, guppies enjoy it too
Ordinary cucumber from the supermarket is fine. If you want it to sink you can tie it to something (there's something called a screwcumber you can buy specifically for this purpose), or squashing it between your fingers will also make it sink, but it will eventually float again when it decomposes.

Personally I tie a bit of cotton around it and shut the end of the cotton in the lid so the cucumber stays near the surface and is easy to remove. A chunky slice cut in half to give access to the soft middle is what I use, what doesn't get eaten in a day I remove.

I think normally 24 hours is the most you will want to leave it or it can get a bit funny. My Gourami and Platies eat it at the surface. I think sinking it to the bottom is probably better if you want all fish to have the option of eating some though.
Cut the zuchinni in thin slices. And use a veggie clip that you can get at your LFS to put it where desired or it will float. It isn't too messy and can stay in the tank for around 6 hours if you like, but don't leave it over night.
courgette (zuchini) holds more beneficial vitamins and what not than cucumber, as cucumber is about 90% water, so doesn't have as much nutritional value. You can weight it down with plant weights or one of those screwcumber thingys.

also if you have plecos potato is a good food to feed them, I put in a thick slice of courgette in every couple of days or so its usually gone in a few hours, watch though cause after a day the courgette will decay and it can get messy.

cheers chish
I Think Ill Just Stick It In One Of The Extra Suction Cups I Have. Also Can You Use Canned Peas Or Must They Be The Frozen Ones? I Know You Have To Shell Them But didnt Know If I Could Use Canned
i use normal cucumber, my loaches love it and so do my guppys and plattys-

yeh can it be frozen peas or does it have to be normal canned?

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