Two Totaly Unrelated Questions.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Arkansas, USA
First: I Just bought a "Lundon Bridge" decoration for my Clown Loach tank. It is roughly 12" long 6" deep and 10" tall. Ever since I got it my clown loaches will not come out. I even starved the tank from a feeding at 6:00am Saturday and didn't feed again till about 10:00PM Sunday. When I fed Sunday night it was blood worms so it should have started a feeding frenzy (it did with the Glass fish.) I watched from a distance for a good 10 min and still never saw the loaches. How do I know if they are eating or if they are even alive without actually pulling the bridge out and forcing them out for a head count?

Second: I want some kind of Dallas Cowboy decoration for my ADF tank. I am unable to find anything intended to be a tank decoration so if i am going to get what I want i will have to buy something not intended for aquariums. What do I need to avoid? I have seen some Helmets made from plastic that are either intended to be ceiling fan pulls or rear mirror decorations. They apear to be fine but do I need to worry about the paint or die used? I do have some artist in the family I might could make a porceline cast and make what i want. In that case again with the paint question. Any thoughts?
THe dallas cowboys decoration will kill your fish and look bad. So get a Baltimore Ravens decoration. Vital for a healthy tank btw.

As for the loaches, sometimes removing decorations is the only way to keep them out. I have some crafty loaches that have dug a hole under an ornament and actually slip in under it where there is a hole and it's hollow. They hide there all the time and come out occassionally to eat. But they will come out and eat leftovers in the gravel. They shouldn't starve or anything.
:lol: I was about to say that as a resident of the Philadelphia area, I'm morally oposed to answering that question! (all togeher now: E-A-G-L-E-S, Eagles!!!)

On a serious note, though, I think clown loaches are more of a nocternal fish, aren't they? They're probably just enjoying having a place to hide during the day and will scavage for the leftover food at night. As for that "other" problem... I'm not sure, maybe someone in the DIY forum would know, as they'd likely have a little more knowledge about what materials can and cannot be used in a tank.
not my thing but if you really want a Dallas cowboy thing in your tank
then I suggest something like this .

Go Packers!
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I didn't look real close but that said it was battery operated which makes me thing there might be some metal in there that will carrote. Plus it doesn't look like it will provide any shelter. I'd really like a helmet, maybe a foot ball, and a field goal. I don't know why I didn't think about DIY forum.

Maybe if i get some led moon light rocks the clown loaches will come out in the eavenings.

You guys can talk all the trash you want, however it will take at least two of your teams to equal the SuperBowl wins of the Boys, not to mention the other Super Bowl appearances. But hey it's all good.
yeah, i actually just got 3 loaches on sunday, and they wont come out much either. When i wake up in the morning, they are occasionally around, but the minute they see me, back behind the rock formations they go. I honestly dont see how they can fit back there. I tried giving them a few shrimp pellets yesterday afternoon, but i dont know if they ate them.

hopefully they loosen up a bit, because i will really regret buying them otherwise.
Exactly 2 less then any Baltimore team has won in the hystory of the Super Bowl. Thats funny How many have they one this century? Like thats a long time. At this time Baltimore is only capable of winning 1 per century and since they already have theirs for this century you've got a long road ahead.
I didn't look real close but that said it was battery operated
yes the turnstile is battery operated, obviously you can't put that in the tank.
the big piece of crystal cut etched glass will be safe

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