Upgrading Tank, Fixing Mistakes.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Arkansas, USA
Lets start with a little history:
I started about a year ago with a 10 gallon. Started off with 3 or 4 Glass fish (all dead but one,) a few ADF's (dead,) 4 Neons (just lost first one last week,) and a pleco (dead.) The frogs were killed in an accident caused by a 3 year old, most of the glass fish bit it one at a time over the first 4 months or so. The pleco died after about a month (I've tried to replace it a few times with the same results.) I knew nothing about fishless cycling when I started, or even testing the water. After about a month and a half I had found this site and got a test kit. All my levels have been within recomended range since that time. I have since added a 20 Gallon tank, 2 Clown Loaches (still alive), and 3 cory cats (lost two of them in the last 2 months [yes that makes three over the last 2 months])

Now more recently:
I was given a 29 gallon tank so I went out and got some sand, filled it up, got the temp right, and moved the filters and fish from the other two tanks leaving me with:
3 Neon Tetras
2 Black Neon Tetras
1 Cory Cats
3 Glowlight Tetras
2 Clown Loaches
1 Glass Fish

I am trying to sell the other tanks and when I do I plan to get a filter good for 75 Gallons (one day I hope to need it but thought it would help for now?) and then add some more fish. If I get all the fish i want I know I will be overstocked but hoped the filter will fix that, I know you'll tell me if I'm wrong. The clown loaches are about 3 inches now and I have had then for 6-8 months, I'm waiting to see if they become more active after their move, they seem to have taken to hiding but it has only been 3 days since the move, and those poor guys had to move twice. I'm thinking of taking them back because I know they need a bigger tank but I kinda like them when they get out of their castle. Will they be alright for another 6 months till I can get a 55 or 75 gallon? Not sure yet what I will do there but other then that I want to add:
3 Glass fish
4 Glass Cats
6 ADF's
1 Pleco (if I can get one to stay alive)
6 glofish (not sure about these they're not injected are they?)
and I'll probably take the one cat back

Now i'm counting the glass fish at 1.5 inches, the frogs at .33 inches (they really don't create much waste) and the clown loaches at 3 and i come up with a total of 33 (37 if you don't buy my frog theory.) I know it's barly over stocked but the glass fish, clown loaches, and pleco will grow. So am i crazy or what, will my plan work? Got any clues what might have caused the recent deaths?
OK I checked my records, my pH has always been a decent number but has never been stable. The 29 gallon is showing 7.2 now, I'll keep an eye on it, the tank hasn't been up long.
3 Neon Tetras - Like groups of 6+.
2 Black Neon Tetras - Like groups of 6+.
1 Cory Cats - Like groups of 6+.
3 Glowlight Tetras - Like groups of 6+.
2 Clown Loaches - Like groups of 3+, need a 55g MIN tank.
1 Glass Fish - Not sure heard they like brackish.

3 Glass fish ^^
4 Glass Cats ^^
6 ADF's - I think the clown loaches may attack them and try to eat their legs.
1 Pleco (if I can get one to stay alive) - Which TYPE???!?
6 glofish (not sure about these they're not injected are they?) - Glofish are genetically modified (apparently) zebra danios. These can be aggressive and a little less healthy than normal zebs. They also prefer big tanks.
3 Neon Tetras - Like groups of 6+.
2 Black Neon Tetras - Like groups of 6+.
1 Cory Cats - Like groups of 6+.
3 Glowlight Tetras - Like groups of 6+.
2 Clown Loaches - Like groups of 3+, need a 55g MIN tank.
1 Glass Fish - Not sure heard they like brackish.

3 Glass fish ^^
4 Glass Cats ^^
6 ADF's - I think the clown loaches may attack them and try to eat their legs.
1 Pleco (if I can get one to stay alive) - Which TYPE???!?
6 glofish (not sure about these they're not injected are they?) - Glofish are genetically modified (apparently) zebra danios. These can be aggressive and a little less healthy than normal zebs. They also prefer big tanks.

I've been under the impresion Neons, black Neons, and glowlight tetras all shoal together making the group I have a good group. Am I wrong?
Your clown loaches will probably fight with frogs, especially as they get bigger.

Over what time period are you thinking of doing this?
IMO the longer an aquarium is established (even if its finished it cycling) the more stable it is.
i just think you're taking things too fast, a 3 month old tank, is really still a newly set up tank.
Glass cats can be hard to introduce to a new tank, as they are pretty sensitive to changes in water quality.
Definitely get your water to be stable, stable water which is a bit off IMO is much more important than water which stays within the safe range but fluctuates. Fish wont appreciate the constant change.

If u do think you're overstocking a tank, its always better to overfilter it (right now i have 2 filters going for my 20 gallon)
I have 6 Neon Tetras and 6 Harlequin tetras atm, and although they are happy in the same tank they dont shoal together.

Hope this helps.

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