My 5 Gallon Is Finally Ready!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Arkansas, USA
I finally after about 4 months got my 5 gallon cycled. I moved it to my office today and got the second frog for it. Meet Kermit and Miss Piggy.



Next I need to find more decorations for it. Any Sugestions?
Maybe some plants and rocks. Or a cave will be nice. BUt nic etank btw.
Awe how cute!!!! :wub: I love the froggies!

How about a cave or something similar for them to hide in for when the light comes on! :nod:
I've had the big one for a while now and she never hid in the rock in the tank she came from. The new one was out and swimming at the store so thats why I picked him. I have a lot of Dalls Cowboy stuff in my office so a little helmet would be cool. I do need to see if I can find my fake plants to put in there but I don't want the maint. of real plants. That lid is too hard to get off.
Poor Kermit Died overnight. Well I don't think he's dead yet but he is upside down on the bottom of the tank and just kicks every once in a while. Guess I'll have to take him back to petsmart.

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