I'm A Dad Again


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2007
Reaction score
Swindon, UK
Hello everyone,

I'm a dad again :) My wife delivered a beautiful baby girl at 07:03 this morning. Sasha, all at 9lbs gave her a bit of grief, but she is adorable :wub: Can't get enough of her
Hello everyone,

I'm a dad again :) My wife delivered a beautiful baby girl at 07:03 this morning. Sasha, all at 9lbs gave her a bit of grief, but she is adorable :wub: Can't get enough of her
Congrats my wife 19 months ago had a nine plus beautiful girl and did it all natural!!!! well at the end she was screaming for morphine.....lol but the best of luck to ya my daughter is the best gift i ever got, and is slowly learning the names of my different species of fish.. she loves them only she calls them feeeeshe!
best of luck

If only my dad would say somethign nicer to me sometimes, lol..
Im my dads honour student =)
Hope your daughter grows up a good person , and who knows she could really be successful@
Enjoy the cuteness while they last
come my age(14) trouble may stirr up LOL
Was anyone else expecting to hear about a batch of guppy fry when they opened that post? :lol:
Congratulations! Lovely name.
Yea I was thats why I waited so long to open it. Congradulations. I've been buisy this week celebrating my little girls 4th b-day.
Wow congratulations :hyper: Before you put her in the tank make sure the water propertys are fine :hey: :lol:

Just joking of course :look:

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :cool: :cool: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :- :- :- :- :- :- :- :hooray:

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