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  1. E

    Platy Fry

    yep, you can give them away to your lfs or there is a swap thing on this forum, you could try that. maybe someone in your area looking for platys. also, platys do eat their babies. that is probably why you only have 2 left when they would have had a lot more. obviously other fish will also be...
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    Tank Full Of Whitespot

    cool! good luck!
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    Platy Fry

    I shouldnt imagine he'd be protecting the fry. if anything he'l want to eat them! he's fairly new so perhaps he still settling in. some take longer than others.
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    Tank Full Of Whitespot

    did you mean nitrate was 25? because if so its cycled! nitrate is the end product, the less dangerous one.
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    Blue Gourami Tail Problem

    ok- if you are sure it is the other nipping i would seperate if possible and treat with melafix. how long have you had the fish because it may even be worth taking them back. gouramis aren't v hardy and wouldn't do at all well in a cycling tank. fin rot is caused by bad water conditions so...
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    Blue Gourami Tail Problem

    what other fish do you have? what are your nitrates, nitrites and ammonia? are the fins ragged with a white or red edge? could be fin rot. in which case melafix. Melafix is also good for damaged fins if it has been nipped
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    Are These Fish Really Pregnant?

    those pics are really clear- i've been told before how they look different but never seen it- thanx for posting!
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    Pimafix And Melafix

    melafix is more for external infections. Primafix can be used to treat internal bacterial infections also
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    Is This What I Think It Is!......

    I thought this too when I saw the pic. how old is your tank? could you possibly get a clearer pic?
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    Damaged Dwarf Gourami

    No worries. let us know how he gets on.
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    Damaged Dwarf Gourami

    or melafix as a treatment. sorry- forgot that before. Melafix is v harmless because its natural. reading back on your original post you are already treating. so its probably best to stick to that one if thats what its for. not a good idea to mix medicines. (sorry, I have a terrible short term...
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    Damaged Dwarf Gourami

    yeah, i think your right. plus it wouldnt be a properlly cycled tank and thats the last thing he wants! I think keep and eye. perhaps put something else in there for him to hide in to help ease his stress (you can get all sorts of ornaments that fish can go in) that is if you havent already...
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    Damaged Dwarf Gourami

    if i'm honest I dont think it'l be a good idea to put him in a hospital tank right now. he's been injured and is no doubt stressed. putting him in a hospital tank will give him more stress with the move. so for this i wouldn't move him. it doesnt sound like he has a contagious disease.
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    Mouth Fungus/cotton Wool Treatments

    I've just looked at my bottle of melafix and it can be used to treat mouth fungus. If you find you havent any melafix after all tea tree oil can be used. I wouldn't be able to tell you the quantities tho... someone else will have to jump in! sorry.
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    20 Gl Tank Waiting To Get Started.....

    plants are also great for the fry to hide in before you find them.
  16. E

    Help Platy Fry

    Yes, the mouth rule is the best. I find it doesn't take as long as 3 months but it depends on whos got the biggest mouth in the tank!
  17. E

    How Old Are You, And How Long Have You Been Fish Keeping?

    I'm 24. Kept goldfish, shabunkins and orandas when i was 9. stopped keeping fish and moved around a lot. started tropical last march when my boyfriend started a tank! I keep platys, neons and corys.
  18. E

    Got A New Plattie!

    Im sorry for your loss. yes- Ive also had experience from a chain store (dont know if i should name and shame so i wont name it) great customer service from them... but i don't trust their fish. ive been in there and they just leave dead fish (depending on the staff) in the tanks. well...
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    you're probably right!! yeah- i must admit i was abit suspect that something can contain live bacteria if its not kept in the right conditions! i just mentioned it cos it seemed to work for me... tho it was probably more likely the water changes and turning the filter back on- lol! hmm, you've...
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    oh, and i forgot to add- i added some more stress zyme a week later to just ensure the biolgogical filter was maintained and did more frequent water cahnges for a while.
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    my biological filter once went all tits up due to what i think was someone in my house turning off my filter (i was terribly annoyed!!) my nitrites hit a high. so i did a 10 % water change, and added some stress zyme which has live bacteria to kick start or maintain a biological filter. i tested...
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    update: i have been watching and decided i think the best thing would be to separate the harrassed bluemoon micky- allow her to have her fry in peace away from the two causing her woe. do ppl agree?
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    my pregnant blue moon micky mouse has a v dark and noticeable gravid patch which i can't see on yours. yeah- updated pics would be good!
  24. E


    cool- thanx for that. hmm, it seems the most likely explanation seems to be they are more likely to mate with theyre own types. right.. some more thinkin i decide what to do!!
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    i;m having a problem with my platys- at the moment they are not living in harmony and im concerned for 1 female. This is what i have now- -1 pregnant orange platy (v aggressive) - 1 pregnant blue moon platy (Getting stressed) - 1 female blue tuxedo -one male blue moon platy -lots of fry from...
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    Quick Question

    thanx for all your replies!
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    Quick Question

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    Quick Question

    hi- im sorry i know this has kinda been covered abit but i just need a little clarification. ppl have been talking about sexing platy fry. all my fry all appear to be female. do their anal fins at first all look like a females and then later fuse to be a males? mine r about 2 months old. some...
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    Quickie About A Cory!

    I originally had 2 bronze and 2 peppers. 1 of my bronze died and the other was left on its own- it was fine at first but didnt shoal with the peppers at all. then it went through some stress when i had to change my tank- due to a leak- and it started to hide all the time and stopped eating. it...
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    Leaking Tank- Tetra Aqua Art 6o Ltr

    Thanx!! I did in the end take it back- they were v good and replaced it no problems!!
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    Bronze Cory Concern

    Thankyou v much JollySue. I live in the midlands.. would have been good tho!! Thanx also to Bozza- Yes, I don't blame my bronze for being scared of me!!
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    Bronze Cory Concern

    Thankyou!! I'l get him some friends! I'm looking forward to that party! :-)
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    Bronze Cory Concern

    On friday I was horrified to return home from work to discover a leak in my 3 month old tank. It was right in the bottom right corner so in order to fix I would have to empty it anyway so i decided to take it back- it really shouldnt leak after just 3 months. I took all my fish out and put them...
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    Leaking Tank- Tetra Aqua Art 6o Ltr

    Thanx for replying! No- its right down at the bottom which is a real bummer.
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    Leaking Tank- Tetra Aqua Art 6o Ltr

    Thanx both of you for your replies! unfortunatly its right down at the bottom. It couldnt have chosen a worse place to be!!!
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    Leaking Tank- Tetra Aqua Art 6o Ltr

    Hi I bought a 60 ltr aqua art fish tank about 3 months ago ish. Today it started to leak. I think im going to empty, keeping water in buckets and keeping fish in hospital tank while I either try and fix, or take tank back. unfortunatly I can't find my receit, grrr. Has anyone else had a...
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    Leaking Tank- Tetra Aqua Art 6o Ltr

    Hi I bought a 60 ltr aqua art fish tank about 3 months ago ish. Today it started to leak. I think im going to empty, keeping water in buckets and keeping fish in hospital tank while I either try and fix, or take tank back. unfortunatly I can't find my receit, grrr. Has anyone else had a...
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    Help With Catfish Id

    Thanks v much for your relies!!
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    Help With Catfish Id

    thanks for all your replies. will regretably take him back.
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    Help With Catfish Id

    I was thinking along the same lines! ok, v sad but def the best thing to do. better tell the fish shop what they're selling too to stop it happening to others!! thanks v much for your advice.