Bronze Cory Concern


New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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On friday I was horrified to return home from work to discover a leak in my 3 month old tank. It was right in the bottom right corner so in order to fix I would have to empty it anyway so i decided to take it back- it really shouldnt leak after just 3 months. I took all my fish out and put them in my hospital tank which was filled with aqaurium water- took tank bank. filled new one with as much water i could save (about 50%) put the old gravel and ornaments back in and topped up with fresh water. I ran the tank with the filter and heater over night and put my fish back in. All my fish are back to normal, behaving as they did. All seem healthy a part from 1 platy with a little fungus which im treating (I guess got a little injured when I caught it her) All my fish that is apart from my bonze cory. He has stopped eating and darts around erratically whenever there is movement outside the tank. I thought it must be stressed but its been4 days and still hasnt settled and i havent seen him eat- just hides. He used to have another bronze who died a while back and im wondering if he's getting more stressed because I know they like to be with others. I also have two peppers, they seem fine. I did a water check yesterday and theyre all fine- nitrites and ammonia 0, nitrates 15. Anyone any advice? should I get some more Bronzes so he can be in a group again? Thanks in advance!
Cory's are definitely happier in groups of 5+ so i would personally get more if the tank is bigger enough to house them :)
With no other symptoms to go by, I would first consider the most likely cause to be stress. I would try to keep the lights low for a few days. Don't worry about about him eating. He can go without eating for awhile. Give him more time to calm down from all the disruptions in his life. If you can add some more Bronze Cories he will come around faster. You will enjoy the antics of your Cories when you add some long lost relatives to the tank. (All Cories are long lost relatives, and a Welcome Home Party is a wonderful occasion in the Cory world.)
Thankyou!! I'l get him some friends! I'm looking forward to that party! :)
Thankyou!! I'l get him some friends! I'm looking forward to that party! :)

Where are you based? If in north east england I have some bronze cory fry that are a couple of weeks off being ready to put into the community tank.
I to agree with the idea of him being stressed. My corys are at the entrance to my room and they are abit scarred at times. But give him time to remember what the tank was like before the move. I assume that when this happens they think whenever we go near the tank that we are going to take them out and move them around. Just needs time to relies that your not going to do that all the time.
Thankyou v much JollySue. I live in the midlands.. would have been good tho!!

Thanx also to Bozza- Yes, I don't blame my bronze for being scared of me!!

Thankyou v much JollySue. I live in the midlands.. would have been good tho!!

Im sorry, I mean thankyou to Mhunt!!

But thankyou to Jolly sue for the smiley face!!

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