Tank Full Of Whitespot


New Member
Sep 21, 2007
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Tank size: 54L
pH: 7.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 25
kH: 3
gH: 10
tank temp: 28

Nirtite and Nitrate figures could be the other way round, not got the stats with me as I'm at work! The one that's 0 is the one thats most harmful to them though!

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): white spots all over, especially tail on guppies

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 25% weekly

Tank inhabitants: 9 neon tetras, 4 metallic blue male guppies, 1 silver sailfin molly, 1 lyretail black molly

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals: King British Fin Rot & Fungus Treatment (see below for explanation!)

Digital photo (include if possible): not possible to get I'm afraid, couldn't see the spots in any of the pictures I took!

I had a black molly who died last week of what I was sure was white spot, it developed the symptoms on sunday, I was working 6am - 6pm on Monday so didn't get a chance to get into LFS then for treatment, and it was dead by tuesday morning. I took it into the LFS to see what it was as being a beginner I wasn't too sure, although I was 95% certain it was whitespot. They told me it was fungus and gave me King British Fin Rot & Fungus treatment, and told me to take the black sponge (carbon) out of my filter whilst treating for 10 days, which I duly did - to an extent. This is only day 5 since treatment began and just before leaving for work at 5pm I was feeding the fish and noticed my second black molly was covered all over in little white spots, not cotton wool like or anything, just white spots. I had a look at the rest of the fish and they've all got it, I can see it on the tail of my silver sailfin molly (obviously not sure if it's anywhere else because of his colouring) it's all over my black molly as said, it's on my tetras and it's on the tails of my blue male guppies! I can't get a picture but do you think from what I've described that is what it is? because I've had enough of the LFS and I don't want to need to explain it to them I just want to go and get the treatment!

thanks in advance!
How long has the tank been set up you have a nitrite reading.
Whitespot looks like the fish has been sprinkled in salt.
Turn temp up to 30.
Increase aeration with the high temp and med.
Don't forget to remove black carbon if you use it.

Yeah it looks like someone has sprinkled salt on them, I knew thats what it was but being a beginner I took the LFS's word for it that it wasn't!

Tank has been set up for around 15 weeks now.
Would of thought your tank would of been cycled by now then.
The tanks overstocked add another filter to help with the load of fish.
Get going with a whitespot med and increase temp and aeration.
Good luck.
did you mean nitrate was 25? because if so its cycled! nitrate is the end product, the less dangerous one.
oops my mistake! yeah it is the nitrAte that is 25! started with whitespot treatment today, here's hoping!
You cant go wrong with the advice you have been given there! Keep up the treatment and it will eventually clear up. I had a massive outbreak of whitespot a month back and the advice you have been given worked for me. Remember to keep treating after the whitespot has cleared off the fish as it will still be in your tank. I kept going for ten days following the clearing of the actual spots on the fish.
Sorry my mistake.
Good luck.

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