Platy Fry

shang hi

Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
England, Sussex
i have been keeping a close eye on some of my platys that i have had for about 2 weeks and i have noticed 2 baby platys, all they do is hide and i never can keep a tag on where they are in the tank. well that main question is is that my tank cant cope with baby platys every so often (it can cope with 1-2 more but not many more than that). my tank in the 30l biOrb and i cant put a "devider" (i cant remember the name for the net things that stop the fry from getting eaten), and well when the tank get full will they stop having babys or will i have to re-locate them ad give them away as i dont have a larger tank.
i could get a 10-20galllon externaly filtered tank in the studdy for all the babys of they continue to have more. what are your sugestions?
also one of my platys has been recently staying at the bottom of the tank and hidding, he/she does come up ocationaly and if u revert into some of my other posts i say "that my platy has been hidding under my plants atatched to some bog wood" :unsure:, is this consterpation (i know how to treat that with a cooked and de-shelled pea) or is it pregnant, im unsure of the sex of the platys is there any easy way to sex them?
all folow-ups welcome with my greatest regards,
shang hi :good:

ps: i can now only locate 1 baby are they being eaten? a list of my fish are in my signature
Female platys can store sperm for up to 7 months even if there's no males in the tank, which means they will have another 7 batches of fry over 7 months. They won't stop giving birth unless something weird happens like my platies never gave birth!.

Sexing platies is easy.

thank you very much luke! my black platy is a female and my 2 orage 1s are male, hmmm ill ask fishy busness what might be wrong with my hiding platy, maby hes protecting the fry becase where ever he is the fry are. awwww thats cute lol and thanks again luke, u can come over sometime and see the tank btw if u want overr the holidays
He could be protecting the fry I guess. If I were you I'd sell / give them away. They'll just breed and then grow and then breed and then grow.

By the way get MSN.
I shouldnt imagine he'd be protecting the fry. if anything he'l want to eat them! he's fairly new so perhaps he still settling in. some take longer than others.
hi my bro has got the same prob as u. he also has similar fish to you and they have never ate any of the babies, you will need to get rid of most of the babies as platys don't stop breeding and will eventualy take over your tank
yep, you can give them away to your lfs or there is a swap thing on this forum, you could try that. maybe someone in your area looking for platys. also, platys do eat their babies. that is probably why you only have 2 left when they would have had a lot more. obviously other fish will also be guilty but i guarentee platys will eat their young if they see it and catch it in time!

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