Search results

  1. P

    Silver Dollar space requirement

    i had 6 in a 50 gallon and they were very very happy :wub:
  2. P

    lava rock?

    lava rock works well as does slate Oh and nice tanks :kewlpics:
  3. P

    Silver Dollar space requirement

    id say yes at first but later on they get a decent sie i would move them to a 50 gallon at least,
  4. P

    Mystery Fish

    or u caould call it the cocatoo cichlid :wub:
  5. P

    saulosi and demasoni

    I have to agree with the Adict. I would rather spend more money per fish and get them from somewhere that really knows what they are talkin about and that each species is in a seperate holding tank
  6. P

    Favourite Gourami?

    I said giant gourami because i feel sorry for them because when they get too big people just give them away or even worse : (
  7. P

    Betta and Cichlids?

    oooooooohhhhhhhh apistogramma's are the nuts
  8. P

    Betta and Cichlids?

    Dont do it. maybee a ram or two would be ok with a beta but most will tear it apart : (
  9. P

    Help urgently needed

    Do u have an agressive fish in the tank that is bullying the others? when u say the water is fine what are the readings?
  10. P

    Is my pleco sick?

    so u have 15 fish (say all 1 inch in size for arguments sake) in a 10 gallon tank???? :X
  11. P

    Is my pleco sick?

    if you have a 10g tank then its over stocked so i would guess that your amonia is high. U need to take a sample of water to the LFS. Ill have a look at some books of mine on diseases and see what it could be
  12. P

    johanni or socolofi and tankmates

    I would not have a single mbuna. And i wouldnt have any unless u have sufficent caves and the like. A single mbuna will not as a rule display the best colours and the ones u are thinking are agressive but beautiful fish. IMO i would only keep MBUNA with MBUNA unless it was a very large tank...
  13. P

    Is my pleco sick?

    Oh and whats the temp of your water? as i would think goldfish , beta's and guppies require different temps and water paremeters
  14. P

    what could i get?

    keyholes are a good non aggresive fishy. Yellow labs are not agresive compared to most Malawi's but i still wouldnt trust them with much else. I like to breed cynotopia Afra but thats just because i LOVE them
  15. P

    Is my pleco sick?

    If i was u i would take a sample of your water to the place you brought the fish from and then get them to test the water. it could be a number of things TBH. But if i would also consider buying a general bacteria infection solution and follow the intructions. it sounds to me that u have a...
  16. P

    Ive been offered this equipment

    result : ) now i just need to find somewhere to do it : )
  17. P

    Ive been offered this equipment

    that sounds expensive
  18. P

    Fish clubs

    Thank YOU
  19. P

    Is my pleco sick?

    whats the ph of your tank? amonia? nitrite? nitrate?
  20. P

    Fish clubs

    Is there one? i would like to make some friends that are aslo into fish in my area.
  21. P

    Ive been offered this equipment

    Its glass matey
  22. P

    Ive been offered this equipment

    Oh and how do i get the hole in the bottem of the tank?
  23. P

    malawi book recomendaion

    Book by Ad konigs called fish of Lake malawi published by TFH. This book is huge and by far the best resource on malawi's although a little expensive at £65.00 it is by far the best book on Malawi's I have ever found
  24. P

    Ive been offered this equipment

    i may have that halide off of you. how much are they new? is there anything wrong with it?
  25. P

    Good Mornin Fish forum people

    Seems like a may of met some crazy fishy peeps like me at last. thanx for the walm welcome
  26. P

    Final Confirmation

    Personnaly when i have kept malawi's i would keep them in trio's but otherwise the demansoni which i have kept and bread are generally not that aggresive. Id also put the fish in a trio at a time starting with the least agressive and then finnaly add the auratus last. otherwise your selections...
  27. P

    Puffer sugestions

    Ok what would be an ideal set up? I have a 4 foot by 18 by 15 tank. And i do love the look of some of the puffers. What would be an ideal set up? I have read the pinned topics above but they didnt really answer my questions? Ideally id like a few smaller puffers and 1 larger one (charachter...
  28. P

    Good Mornin Fish forum people

    What happened matey?? they are a nice fishy
  29. P

    Ive been offered this equipment

    Oh and do u still have that Halide light for sale?
  30. P

    Ive been offered this equipment

    Ideally i would like a reef tank but i am also considering just a character fish only tank. Is the external filter ok for this tanK? Thanks
  31. P

    New member here: Tank pics W/Fish

    great pics there :wub: :wub:
  32. P

    Latest pic

    Beuatiful tank :kewlpics:
  33. P

    New additions to nano-reef

    That is a very good lookin fish.
  34. P

    Ive been offered this equipment

    Oh i forgot to say. I also have a spare 24x12x12 tank that i was thinking of using as a sump will this be any good?
  35. P

    Ive been offered this equipment

    Ok peeps I have a 46x18x15 tank that i want to turn marine and ive been offered this stuff below. Is the skimmer and the filter any good for this size of tank? Ive just coppied and pasted what he sent me. Thanks Fluval 404 external filter with media (less than 1 year old) complete test kit...
  36. P

    Good Mornin Fish forum people

    Hey everyone. Just thought id pop on here and say hello. Ive been keeping fishys for about 6 years. I have bread Malawi F1's and have been researching into marine tanks for about 8 months. In 4 months time ill be settin up a new 46 gallon (uk) marine tank WAHOOOOO I look forward to helpin...