Is my pleco sick?

Phantom Thief

Population Control Volunteer
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
A world of my own
I have an albino pleco in my tank. Recently, my pleco seems to have blushed. Just its cheeks (or what would be a cheek if it was human). I dont have a digital cam or i'd post a picture. I hope u understand my description. Is it sick? I don want it to die!!! :kira:
do you mean there is red or inflamed areas on the side of the head? are all the scales lieing flat? is it eating and what is your water quality like?
Yes, it is red on either sides of its heads. Are the scales lieing flat, i'm not too sure, but it doesnt look like it. Is it eating, YES it is, just as usual. Ammonia nitrite and nitrate.......sorry no answer. I live in malaysia you see. Test kits there are what, 30-40 bucks? You guys earn how much, $5000-$6000? My dad earns RM6000. Bring the test kit here and it costs RM120++. My dad simply WONT allow me to buy it. But my 7 guppies, 7 goldfish and 1 betta are doing completely fine. Besides, I just did a water change (25%).So there u are docs, whats your diagnosis?
If i was u i would take a sample of your water to the place you brought the fish from and then get them to test the water. it could be a number of things TBH. But if i would also consider buying a general bacteria infection solution and follow the intructions. it sounds to me that u have a infection of some kind. but i would do a few more water changes over the next week. How big is your tank?
Oh and whats the temp of your water? as i would think goldfish , beta's and guppies require different temps and water paremeters
well, i live in a tropical climate but its cooler than u think. As far as i know, fish get sluggish as the temp goes too low or too high. Mine are all active. And also, im not too sure that its goldfish. Goldfish tend to be freaky and fat and that kinda stuff. Mine LOOKS like a goldfish (same coloring too), but it has no deformities and the such. Please tell me what it actually is. And what antibacterial thing should i buy? should i put it in another tank? should i feed it the same thing? How often? my tank is about 10 gallons i think. thanks guys
if you have a 10g tank then its over stocked so i would guess that your amonia is high.

U need to take a sample of water to the LFS.

Ill have a look at some books of mine on diseases and see what it could be
so u have 15 fish (say all 1 inch in size for arguments sake) in a 10 gallon tank???? :X
It's not THAT bad. I have a filter, air stone a coupla' plants (java fern and some oher unknown plant) and my tanks been cycling for ages. And my lfs says theres NO WATER TEST. ARGHHH. I wish i live in US or Europe. Lucky westerners.
Well like suggested i would keep on changing the water and see what happens that wouls be the best bet, i know what you mean by lucky westerns i visited my feidns cuzes in malasia. insane i hate it well good luck and if you can but him in a take that you cuold put the temp about 80 that could help him some G/L
i bring grave news. it died :rip: . i changed the water, but yesterday it simply decided to stop eating. this morning i found it upside down at the bottom of the tank. now im worried if its an infection andit will spread to the rest. so far no adverse effects seen . what do i do? i'll post this on emergency section too.

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