Silver Dollar space requirement


New Member
Dec 7, 2003
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Hi. I've got a 29 gal aquarium going right now, with one red tailed shark and four tiger barbs. Room for a silver dollar? Room for 3? Thanks.
id say yes at first but later on they get a decent sie i would move them to a 50 gallon at least,
Silver dollars are shoaling fish so it is much better to have at least 4, 6 would be ideal in that tank, so get an angel or something instead. :nod:
Like has been said, I'd skip the Silver Dollars.

In order to ave the 5-6 you'd want for a proper schoal, you'd need a bigger tank.

Good luck with whatever you decide! :D
I have two in my ten, and they're doing well. I'm moving them to the fifty soon...
They're really shy if there are only a few of them, and apparently they love being in groups.
Well... I've got the filter, heater to make the switch to a 50 gallon, just need the tank, which isn't too far away. I think I'll get them and upgrade when they get too big for current.
Thanks for advice!
PappaLove said:
i had 6 in a 50 gallon and they were very very happy :wub:
I once had 18 in a 100, for more than 5 years. Then along came the internet, until then I never really understood why I had to go to such extraordinary lengths to keep my water straight. I also didn't understand about stunted external growth and the continued enternal growth of fish kept in too small of an aquarium, or in over crowded conditions. But you live and you learn. Of course I'm the type that likes my fish to live forever :lol: my oldest redhook is estimated to be 12 years of age. :D
First off,
I would never keep a Silver Dollar, not even ONE, in a tank less than 3 - 4 feet long, so I guess anything over a 35 gallon. With Silver Dollars it's not just ample water, it's the LENGTH that they get to swim. I have 4 in my 55 along with some other fish, and I still feel bad for them sometimes because they would love a little bit more room even. So I would never keep a skiddish fish like the Silver in a small tank even when they are younger. They are one of those fish that NEED the space to swim and boy do they swim fast, faster than any other fish I've had or seen personally.

I love my Silvers and am going to donate my 55 gallon to just them, and some Corys. I am going to move my others into a 30 gallon when I can afford it. Silvers like low lit tanks and I will be able to keep the lights off most of the time for them when the rest are out of there. I've had 2 of them for almost 18 months and have learned quite a bit about them. The other two I've had for almost a year. The older ones are a good 6 inches from tip to tail and still growing. The others are now bigger than pop can lids and doing well. Although the littler ones are meaner spirited. NOT mean, just a little tougher than their elders :)

I just love my Silvers, but if you want to show your fish off to everyone who comes in your house and have fiesty little kids like me then I would pass on the Silvers and go for some braver fish or plecos or something :lol: !! I've said too much once again! :rolleyes:

I agree. Mine make mad dashes around the tank whenever somebody walks too close to the tank. It wouldn't be too much of a problem in a well-planted tank though, but keeping less than four isn't advised.
True, less than four isn't good because I think they feel more vulnerable. But getting the other 2 that finished off my 4 didn't seem to help any of them feel less FREAKED OUT. They still act the same old way as they did when they were just a pair of 2. I guess it's just their skiddish ways. Part of the problem with keeping Silvers is just that, you need a few+ and the more you get the more space you need :/
I wonder if in BIG groups of like 12 or 20+ if they still act this way???

I only have 3 silver dollars, but they are about 10 yrs old and adleast 8 inches from head to tail. Very large guys. I now have them in a 40 long, and they seem quite content. In order to keep them calm, I have tanken to buying house plants that would shade their tanks as they do not seem to let any of my plants grow enough in the tank to hide behind. I now have trees on either end of their tank, and a tree which is right in the front. It seems to keep them calmer, but i have to peek trough the plants to check on them. They still act like the wicked woman has returned when i go to feed them, but other than that they are very mellow.

Wicked Woman :lol: :rolleyes: I know, they're like, "Please don't kill me" "Oh Lord we're all gonna die" :lol: :lol: . "The other fish know it's time to eat, what the heck is wrong with you guys?!!" :lol:

10 YEARS OLD!!!! Wow, that's REALLY you have any photos of your Silvers?? I would love to see them!


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