Good Mornin Fish forum people


New Member
Dec 2, 2003
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Hey everyone.

Just thought id pop on here and say hello.

Ive been keeping fishys for about 6 years. I have bread Malawi F1's
and have been researching into marine tanks for about 8 months. In 4 months time ill be settin up a new 46 gallon (uk) marine tank WAHOOOOO

I look forward to helpin anyone i can on malawi's and oddballs and look foreward to pestering u all with loads of questions on marine fish lol

Its nice to meet u all :D :cool:
Welcome PL. Always nice to see someone do their research before they get their fish!!!
Welcome! I just had a "Malawai'ian" disaster so to speak.. A group of Pseudotropheus Demasoni didn't work out so well... Switched to some Tangs.. They're in my sig.. Cya around. :)
:kira: :kira: :kira: :kira: :kira: :kira: :kira: :kira: :kira: :kira: :kira:
Welcome to our crazy Fish geek Forum. We are a bunch of Fish Geeks here and LOVE IT !!! All kidding
As I was saying and then my compuetr sent the last post before I was done...All kidding aside-I have learned so much from everyone on here. Everyone is great and very helpful.
welcome :hi: hope u have fun. ill take any marine question u throw at me :smb: . i can probaly answer like less than half of them but who cares....
Seems like a may of met some crazy fishy peeps like me at last.

thanx for the walm welcome

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