Search results

  1. D

    My New Play Toys

    :hyper: Those are one of my favorite types of toys :D
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    Caught Some New Things Today...

    wrs, one option would to be do a search for your states fish and game agency. The state game and fish agency should have a list of fish in the area. The only problem with that is most agencies only post info about game fish and threatened/endangered fish, so there are way more species in your...
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    Caught Some New Things Today...

    If it helps you out, I'd like to point out it's not a perch at all. Pumkinseeds are sunfish not perch. Perch are characterized by the dorsal fin's spiny portion and soft-rayed portion completely separated. As you can see the sunfish in your picture has a dorsal fin in which the soft-rayed...
  4. D

    Help Me Identify These Fish?

    For fish #1 I think I can see a scarlet edging on the gill flap, agreeing with the pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). For fish #2 because of the decurved lateral line I believe to be a redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus). Another shiner that has a decurved lateral line is the golden...
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    post pics of your tanks here!

    yep baldranger is right, my converter puts it at over 30 uk gallons (app. 37 us gallons) I can also see the difference between a 50 because the height definately is shorter. The size of your tank is aesthetically pleasing, and your decor with the pots is neat as well.
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    post pics of your tanks here!

    Here's my fifty five gallon I have here at school I would have lots of live plants, but back when I had money I also had a common plecostomus. :lol: And my fifty five gallon at my parents
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    What exactly do eggs look like?

    I'm not sure how much eggs vary among different species of cichlids, but here are some angelfish eggs for some comparison.
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    Sydney Storm

    hey aussie a possibility that might help you with proof, is that your camera might have recorded the settings it used to take the pictures, into the file. Using my picture editors "finepix viewer" and "photoimpact pro" i was able to see the camera settings of my pictures. The settings in finepix...
  9. D

    Pictures galore!

    Pretty cats, and they look very comfortable too.
  10. D

    Happy Easter!

    :lol: :rofl: good stuff
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    Angel Fish Breeding Behaviors

    Hey paintball, its been about a year since my angels bred last, but from what I remember the breeding tubes appeared a day or two before the spawn and then did not retract for another day. If they ever do breed and you plan to raise the fry, I would suggest giving the pair their own tank or...
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    We have a butterfly pavilion that is similar in Denver, it's a great place. I could spend hours there if it weren't so expensive. Great pictures though.
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    Bunch of random pics :)

    Those are some lovely guppies you have there. and Ive never seen an egg laden shrimp, thats pretty cool.
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    firemouth family ,flaring ,fry etc

    What beatiful fish! Those fry look just like the fry my angelfish use to have. Congrats on the successful spawn.
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    My son Dean 12 weeks later

    Wow nidge he has cool eyes, are they a grey color.
  16. D

    Niece and Nephew

    thanks guys :D
  17. D

    Fish ID

    hmm... you might be right about the one with white edges on the fins, sometimes on characteristics where you have to compare the two I don't do well if I don't have them both together. the other I don't think is also a green sunfish because it would also have the white edgings. I only learned...
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    Fish ID

    I don't think it is the green sunfish because they have a more elongated body than other sunfish, and I don't think it is the bluegill because bluegill do not have a light colored margin around their opercle (they also supposedly have a dark spot present at the base of their soft dorsal fin) I...
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    Niece and Nephew

    Heres a couple pictures of my niece and nephew twins. They just recently turned a year old. I can't help but smile in pride when I see them :D . Heres a picture of me holding Kaylie and Toby on their first these two were taken the day they were born here are a few more kaylie has...
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    Fish ID

    I don't think it's a jack dempsey as the pictures ive seen of them don't have the dark spot on their opercular flap like these specimens. I personally agree with bichirkeeper that it could be a sunfish. You can start by looking at the fish's lateral line. Centrarchids such as sunfish have...
  21. D

    Moth or Butterfly? Hmmm

    From the first bullet's description on this website I think it is a butterfly.
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    I think thats a mexican shellflower, ya might want to compare it to some pics on the internet to double check.
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    I went with freshmikes discus, very beautiful. I cant wait to see more pictures of it as the colors develop. All the fish were good though, it was a tough choice.
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    My "cats" and cichlids

    Thanks for the nice comments and the nominations, I'll let my rams know that someone besides me think they looks good. For the longest time I wasn't interested in them, and had always remembered my local gamewarden had kept them, so when I saw them in the shop their beauty hit me and I bought them.
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    My "cats" and cichlids

    Ryan thanks for confirming the orange seam for me. I just looked at your angel that was nominated, he's very handsome. Don't ya love how angels come beggin when you come around with your camera.
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    My "cats" and cichlids

    My rubbernose pleco. And heres the last, my favorite fish. He's an orange seam pleco (or at least what he was sold to me as). He does not look like the osp on planet catfish, but that might be because hes a juvenile and juvies might have spots while adults don't. I don't really know. The bad...
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    My "cats" and cichlids

    Here are a couple of my angels. My bolivian rams.
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    My "cats" and cichlids

    My cories, poor guy on the right has no eyes. My bristlenose pleco. My common pleco. My clown pleco.
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    To age them accurately you either are there when they hatch or wait for them to be dead. Once dead the fish's otoliths can be removed and split in half. The rings of the otolith are added daily I believe, and will tell you the age. If a laser test called inductively-coulpled plasma mass...
  30. D

    Do fish communicate?

    Fish have neuromast organs which can sense the displacement of water, these organs are centralized in the lateral line and otoliths(ear bone). Schooling fish have many more, and that increases their ability to pick up displacement of water which is why they know when others in the school turn so...
  31. D

    Angelfish pair???

    hey doggfather, I would wait to see what happens between the two. If the fin nipping is a territorial thing they can sometimes work it out after domination has been established. I'm not sure about the specifics of your tank but a few more angels might make the territorial issue easier because it...
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    February FOTM

    I went with elgecko cuz im a sucker for discus, but i also really liked limpingfish's bristle.
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    March FOTM + BOTM Nominations

    heres the link my angels
  34. Picture_126.jpg


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    Some pics of my fish

    yeah it is kinda creepy isnt it black tetra and thanks for the nomination fm
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    The gouramis i have had have been super aggressive, the main reason for that is i had them when i started keeping fish and that was a 10 gallon. I dont think a gourami would be appropriate because of fin nipping or anything like that. Discus do best in a discus only tank or with slow moving...
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    most things ive heard is that each discus and each angelfish need about 10 gallons each. so the number of fish you would like is a little too much. if you are planning on breeding both a discus pair and angel pair i wouldnt have them in the same tank. this is because the pair will become more...
  38. D

    Discus Help!!!

    I had the same experience with my discus when i had them around four years ago. Two in a 20 gallon. The problem is their tendency is to establish a dominant fish and with only two fish and so little room to escape the nondominant discus can take some pretty good beatings if not die from...
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    Some pics of my fish

    thanks martin exiled- thanks for the nomination and its a fuji s3000, i think one or two models less than kens ryan- doesnt look like yours to me, but i have been interested in the gibbiceps and yours looks great
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    Some of my plecos and cats :) :) :) :)

    nice fish, the two plecos that are at the top of my wish list are a zebra and a gold nugget like yours, and now that ive seen your queen i am adding it as well. also i second the fotm for zing if it hasnt been done yet