Sydney Storm

It Looks Sus, Are these Aussies or the Comp Guys.
I love a bit of controversy, Its sad though really because one of them has stolen from the other.

I would say Aussie star was the real picture taker considering he is from there and the other chap is english.
I would say the pics are aussies for sure, after all he has a sequence, it is his part of the world and we know he has them on the net.

if anyone can put a link to the computer active website, it will be easier for others to see, Im afraid I am computer illiterate :p
Izaro said:
hi there, sorry for dragging up this old thread :/
Cool I'm glad you did ! Those pictures are awesome ! I LOVE lightning :wub: and used to get loads of storms like that where I grew up in South Africa. The little rumbles in the sky here in the UK is just not the same :-(
I love the pics...only because I wasn't there to see the real storm. I hate storms and lightning and thunder scare me. I'm usually found underneath my blankets with my kitties during storms :*) Not because they hate it too. I have to shut the curtains really well so they wont be looking out the window. They seem to like watching the storms but I don't like them doing that. Makes me even more nervous.
very awasome pix u took!!!!!!woah :eek: :eek: i like the second one the best!!! thats crazy how much it lit up the sky!!! and that lil green volt is soo!!! i cant wait to travel to oz. We dont get lightning like that here in B.C,like ever!! ours just usually makes a big flash in the sky, we dont really get the big volts like u guys do!!! :D :D it would be really cool to watch i bet!!
yea they are stolen for sure, thanxs for telling me. I have emailed the mag and ask about the person who send them in and sent some others in to prove it, but the problem with digital is that i only have them on disc and anyone can do that and change the file to the same to prove that they took them unless they are still on your camera (which i moved them onto cd for storage) you have signed it somehow so i will try to prove i took them but as they said its impossible becasue i didnt sign it at the bottom or nothin. But what a loser for selling someone elses work, i was so glad about them pictures this makes me really cut :angry:
no problem :) they are great pics, obviously made an impression on me as I remembered them all this time on.
That really sucks :grr:

But maybe you can still take heart in knowing your shots were good enough to steal? :/

They are GORGEOUS shots!!! :wub: :wub:
your right boozybears. computer active is the uk's best selling computer mag. It got runner up out of thousands of entrys! I just hope you get some sort of compensation aussie star
Aussie, I've PM'd you some *potential* contact details for this Keith Ingram chap from Milton Keynes. I did a search on and can't imagine there is more than 1 "Keith Ingram" in Milton Keynes ?! However I could be wrong and even if you contact him, he might deny it anyway. That's to say *if* even those pics belong / or not to him. Good luck
WOW, they are amazing :kewlpics:

do you have a camera constantly taking shots of the storm? You must go through some amount of film to get the right shots.
hey aussie a possibility that might help you with proof, is that your camera might have recorded the settings it used to take the pictures, into the file. Using my picture editors "finepix viewer" and "photoimpact pro" i was able to see the camera settings of my pictures. The settings in finepix actually list my camera type, and date etc. of each picture. I tried to find a way to do it in adobe photoshop but I only have the starter edition and don't know if the starter doesnt have this ability or if I just couldn't find it.
I attempted to view the settings of one of your pictures on the first page and they weren't on the file, maybe those settings are somehow removed in the process of uploading them onto the web.

By the way, awesome pictures.
Did the plagerist claim when the pics were taken?

Does the date you posted them on here help as evidence for whan they were taken?

Could you also get information confirming the date that the storm occured from the Aussie Met Office and your original photo's will be date and time stamped in the file setting I assume, those could also match up?

I told you, you should get them entered into a photo competition :thumbs: didnt think someone else would do it instead and steal the rightful credit you deserve for such awesome shots.

Go get em mate :flex:

It must have been taken care of, because the website doesn't have a Keith Ingrahm listed as a runner-up. I'm not sure how many there were before, but there are only 4 runners-up now, and I can't seem to find Aussie's pic!

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